Solved Problems
- photoshop help (16 Replies)
- Trouble doing a freezing sprite (3 Replies)
- mirrors (8 Replies)
- Hiei (5 Replies)
- I need help! (5 Replies)
- How do i insert a sprite (6 Replies)
- Need help with face pic(edited) (9 Replies)
- Smoke sprite needed! (13 Replies)
- Photofiltre? (5 Replies)
- How do you use the burner tool in GIMP (1 Reply)
- help i cant get this to have an outline (1 Reply)
- help, my colors are really messed up (6 Replies)
- NEED HELP PLZ (2 Replies)
- [solved] Special Font (5 Replies)
- Sprites for first char: Drahcir (i know they suck) (19 Replies)
- Something help about sprite (2 Replies)
- Question about shading effects ! (1 Reply)