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did stuff for fun, decided to post, enjoy
[Image: oamdUfL.png][Image: YgO6VT1.png]
[Image: FKFCge2.png]
kinda small
wanted to play as one of these abominations?
[Image: m5akJ.png]
now you can. have fun with this mark skin

[Image: 1lluAOy.png] woody in a couple of years, maybe, i dunno..
TransForM! (Click to View)
(04-17-2018, 11:31 PM)Cabba Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 1lluAOy.png] woody in a couple of years, maybe, i dunno..
TransForM! (Click to View)

Nice design for this jungle hunter like Woody ^^

Also about transformation. Is that suppose to be tiger or something? I would make him look more make his claws open and how about changing pose to more animal like?
[Image: 8E46a92.png][Image: Lt0vd3C.png]
julian back as a skeleton
Julian generally looks too clean for an undead skeleton. Should dirty him up a bit and make the glow in his eyes more eerie, as if the eye sockets were actually hollow yet still glowing.
what do you mean by dirty up? actual dirt or leftover skin/organs/hair?
Actual dirt, it looks like after rising from the grave he took a bath and polished his bones and mask to a nice shining white and blue respectively.