Little Fighter Empire - Forums

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Ok, *surprise* I will probably not find the time to continue / finish this mod.

Right now I have to care about my live and about the income of LFE so I can pay it. Actually during the next weeks I've different plans, I will rebuild LFE Mainsite. If anybody is interested in helping me AND can think of a way he can do this (maybe find new downloads, test them, or translate stuff into new languages or so) he can pm me. In a few days I'll delete this thread and delete this forum-section, the two other threads will be moved to projects - anotherone which isn't finished :( but it really looks like I prefer writing about DC and try out some technics instead of coding myself, sorry :(
I really suck at web design yet so therefore I cannot help you.

But finding downloads... I was insane at downloading LF2 stuff so I think I may find stuff or so.
Sure, will help in finding new downloads.
Will also try to make a new LF2 back-ground (u could also use the LF2 2.0's loading screen pic)