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Just to get your mind running again.

Sings, "Are you smarter than a 5th grader," (Actually it's like 10th but oh well.)

1. Last Sunday at noon the date on the calendar was April 15, 2007. What will be the date on the calendar one million minutes after the time?

2. How many numbers n have the property that both n/2 and 2n are four digits whole numbers?

3. Square ABCD has side length 36. Point E is on side AB a distance 12 from B, point F is the midpoint of side BC, and point G is on side CD a distance 12 from C. find the area of the region that lies inside triangle EFG and outside triangle AFD.

4. Terry drove along a scenic road using 9 gallons of gasoline. Then Terry went onto the freeway and used 17 gallons of gasoline. Assuming that Terry gets 6.5 miles per gallon better gas mileage on the freeway than on the scenic road, and Terry's average gas mileage for the entire trip was 30 miles per gallon, find the number of miles Terry drove.

5. The repeating decimal 0.328181818181... can equivalently be expressed as m/n where m and n are relatively prime positive integers. Find m+n.

6. The product of two positive numbers is equal to 50 times their sum and 75 times their difference. Find their sum.

RectumHoward Wrote:5. The repeating decimal 0.328181818181... can equivalently be expressed as m/n where m and n are relatively prime positive integers. Find m+n.



now someone do it for 0.54234234234234234234234 - because yours s been asked all over the internet already - and answered - just boring

cant be bothered thinking about the other ones now
RectumHoward Wrote:6. The product of two positive numbers is equal to 50 times their sum and 75 times their difference. Find their sum.

x.x =5 0.(x+x)
x.x = x.(50+50)
x = [x.(50+50)]/x
x = 50+50
x = 100

So their sum should be 200, right?
(I didn't really get what you meant with "Find their sum", so I might be wrong)
lauli - those variables are not equal
RectumHoward Wrote:6. The product of two positive numbers is equal to 50 times their sum and 75 times their difference. Find their sum.




YinYin Wrote:lauli - those variables are not equal

Argh, damnit, how could I miss that >.>
rectum - you could put each task into code/quote tags and add a link to the post in case someone answered correclty (like adding a satus: solved or unsloved)
stence Wrote:sorry am at singapore but am only a 5 grader

Don't reply here if you can't contribute anything to the topic... post deleted.

Also, move this to forum games, because it rather fits in there.

So now -

2. How many numbers n have the property that both n/2 and 2n are four digits whole numbers?

Gotta be 2000 - 4999. That means there are 3000 numbers.
^ Almost. It says *WHOLE* numbers, so ... your missing one step.
i wouldve considered those whole numbers to be honest

maybe you r talking about even ones?
Oh yeah.

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