Hy guys!
Because of Bamboori's idea with "deenry" i got myself a kinda funny idea.
what if everybody could fuse with everybody? kinda fun don't you think?
imagine.. you fight in stage mode and then hunter and bandit fuse..and pay you back ^^
ideas i have until now:
davis + dennis = woody (yeah.... i think woody is a fusion of the both of them)
some char (for example davis) + template = weak template looking davis
some char (for example woody) + knight = a knight looking woody with armour
and so on...
anybody who is willing to join me... sends me pm
what do you guys think about that idea... complettly idiotic? awesome..?
I like the idea very much. It sounds creative and fun. But it would be extremely hard to create - I mean, you have to create more characters than in the original LF2, many more. It would be great if the mod wouldn't fail half the way through, though...
yeah i know.. the problem will maybe be that there are too much objects... or something like that. anyways i will start it though.. wish me luck ^^
Nice idea.i like the idea. good luck on your mod

Cool idea, cause if u'r running low on heath, there would be no need for firen to look only for freeze or anything like that, just run like crazy here and there and boom! :D
Good luck!
btw: Template + Bandit = ?
I mod with a bunch of fused chars? Should be a lolfest.
Zabobula Wrote:I mod with a bunch of fused chars? Should be a lolfest.
That's not something that u were supposed to say u know that. What we wanna do right now is encourige 19POtt92 on his mod not make fun of his imagination and creative thoughts. If u ask me , that's the first time I'm seeing such creativity thoguht of. No offense I'm just giving u advice. On to topic , the mod sounds really creative but the fusions sound pretty wierd. I'll give u some advice.
19POtt92 Wrote:davis + dennis = woody (yeah.... i think woody is a fusion of the both of them)
True but we want a fusion based on a completeley different character. Otherwise fusing davis and dennis to generate woody is a piece of cake even for me. I'm kind of a beginner in DCing but I love to. Darn DC tuts in LFE arn't working.
19POtt92 Wrote:some char (for example davis) + template = weak template looking davis
Now there u have something pretty lame. Maybe a template with the move of cathing and pressing DJA form into the character cathced is nice and give's benefits to the template player as well.
19POtt92 Wrote:some char (for example woody) + knight = a knight looking woody with armour
Naaah. Pretty good but a knight run into anyone ( besides knight and on same team ) turn that player fused with armour so he becomes tougher.
Overall great and wish u best luck and best best best wishes ( hold it.... I already am wishing for u ! ).

I've got 'nother idea!!!
Woody + Davis = (well...) Dady
Dady + Deeolf = ???
fusion of fusions will be realy good but only one as final emeny in the stage
and template you donĀ“t need so there are a 24 fusions away (it exist 24 charcackter that are when everybody with everybudy fusion about 300 fusions
i think you shold make fusions only with some charackter (boss charackter, normal charackter) and the strong extra charackter
lol, i planned a template mod where all chars can fuse to a stronger one, they were all based on elements.
your idea sounds very nice, too^^
but it will be a huge project, cause like gangster95 already said:
gangster95 Wrote:(it exist 24 charcackter that are when everybody with everybudy fusion about 300 fusions
i won't help you with this project, since i got something similar :P
but i wish you and your team good luck for it (^_^)-b
btw. what if the same chars could fuse aswell to become the same char, only a bit powerfuller? eg. davis+davis=stronger davis
oh and btw2: i wonder how you will fuse mark and rudolf xD
edit: or what about john+deep=johny depp? xD