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Full Version: Are these sprites and what are your fav?
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Do you think these sprites are good(made them in paint)(2 from photofiltre)
and what are your fav? fell free to say w/e u want. I need the criticism to create better sprites.
[Image: My_Sprites.jpg]
They aren't too bad better than mine :(
you should see my friends chars though
They are Sweeeeeeet ^^
(02-12-2009, 12:14 AM)fighter662 Wrote: [ -> ]Do you think these sprites are good(made them in paint)(2 from photofiltre)
and what are your fav? fell free to say w/e u want. I need the criticism to create better sprites.
thanks. All i did was use one main color, made 2 darkened colors, and pretended the sun was behind the char. Anyway the buff was my first shirtless guy. lol.
I almost forgot. if i were to start a char which one should i do (besides the 2nd and 3rd one).
how should i know ur better than me :D
i should be asking that same question too :D
I think "BAD!" cuz you made two times the same tread. Hate such doppelposters >.>

You should either take the upper left one or the guy down right. they look not bad, but the Julian and the both up right should maybe get edited ;)
you know, it is possible to make characters in mspaint, but it is seriously a pain in the neck. use photofiltre all the time, and try to make the shading a little better in terms of using highlights and shadows for better details. Compare Bat's hair to any of yours and you'll see what I'm talking about....