hi everyone!
yesterday I thought of a char who cofuses the opponent, and this came out:
ps: please don't rate the sprites, I didn't spend much time on them

the sprites are kinda good, even if his burning frames don't look very good
now to the real char
he is balanced, he is kinda original (especially his dummy moves

) and he is entertaining to play with!
I don't see any bad things about this, only that he has no decent sprites
here is the BIG graphic update \(>;<)/ :
![[Image: 58058842vr9.png]](http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/6184/58058842vr9.png)
Did you guys team up or something?
[Character] Illusionist Beta (click)
No review this time my iMac broke once more which suxzorzomgroflpwn00b
weirtalkingthatnooneunderstandswritteninoneneverendingwordomg1337!!!!!!111one one eleven 1!
You have to be carefull with the black-hues. Don't make his belt #000000 (transparency).
But He looks kinda cool. You should edit the ice-pics. There is still red in.
lol, one made an illusionist Freeze and the other one Firen. To say it with DON's words: Coincidence? Well, hardly! :P
look closely, it's not black, it's pseudo-black
But this leads me to another thing, a couple of frames show Firen with something greenish instead of black (the most obvious one is in one of the falling-frames.
But i see Illusion and Illusionist
Is there a way to onley display one? On the charmenu
Also the Illusion clones D v j
Never die , i think you should make them disipear in 1 hit but cant deal dmg
EDIT* Autaly both clones do not die

don't double post
... u can simply use the [EDIT] button below ur post Took care - Cirno
anyways u should play with Illusionist
and good point about that cloning, yeah Bamboori that is something to fix for u :P
maybe its a noobish question but is there any other way than creating a transforming-frame in rudolf or julian?
Julian has transforming frames?! That's new to me...
There is the state: 80xx transformation which is used to transform into a fixed character, whereas state: 500 in combination with 501 creates a variable transform that only works if you grab a character to transform into him.