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Azriel Wrote:make a big pic and shift it up the z axis with hit_j: 1 (type 3 object)


you mean the big pic is the different bg right?
that's exactly what he meant.
Create a pic that is about 400-500 pixels wider than the bg is and activate it in the middle of the stage (well, with that I mean coordinate-wise). Like Azzy said, use a hit_j: 1 before actually showing the picture (so that it looks like it is a new bg, and doesn't move).
I think, MH has done this in his KLF2, if I remember correctly, the last phase has a different bg than the others.


i made a video.
at present i am working on the characters.
yes i have taken some moves from other creations.but i will credit the makers
im sooooooooo tired(its lotta hard work==> squishing 15 high quality moves in 400 frames per char and saving 15 frames for stage plus keeping in mind the 100 object limit).

and those who thought i forget about my project should think again. :p
i don have youtube account so didn post a direct vid.
anyone who has one pls upload it on youtube and post the vid here.thx

p.s. i use the f6 cheat coz henrys mp isnt set yet.

all others-0%
give me ideas 'n' stuff.

pls post here to give ideas thx
cool moves by henry! I reconised tonnes of them from CE LF2. I like henry's purple arrow bolt thing and also his whirlwind attack. Kepp up the great work.

As for ideas...

hmm well recently i've been trying to test my dcing skills so i've changed loads of people so they can do massive combos easily. Maybe you should make some pople capable of huge combos.
dazzapizza Wrote:from CE LF2.

10 points!
thats exactly where i got the ideas:D(but they're not copied)
in fact it would be easier to copy.
and my aim here is not to create good original characters.
its a stage mod.:)
the characters is just a side task.but i have to do that first:confused:
coz many frames have to be left out for convesations and stuff:D
i even asked marshall for some attacks and stuff,but his laptops not well atm,so things are still slooow...:)
so ur making like a new mod completely with almost new characters (except sprites) and a enw stage mod. Thats cool.
I wish i could help but i suck at dcing and spriting. Ill just give ideas. :p
dazzapizza Wrote:so ur making like a new mod completely with almost new characters (except sprites) and a enw stage mod. Thats cool.
I wish i could help but i suck at dcing and spriting. Ill just give ideas. :p

my correction Wrote:so ur making like a new mod completely with almost readymade characters from other mods and chars (except sprites(sprites are new if you didnt notice:p)) and a new stage mod. Thats very:p cool.
I wish i could help but i suck at dcing and spriting. Ill just give ideas. :p
SORRY for doubleposting=>do NOT dispose this

i made a cool flute attack w/some ce sprites(i asked marshall)

just one thing.
is anyone kind enough to give me a approx 10 sec. sound or sth(can be continuous)

There you go...
my latest and fav. attack.
~made by me
~thx to marshall(a.k.a marsh00ki fantini moton) for sprites
~idea-by my land based friends

somebody please comment!

i got a vid.
now people will comment
is it so bad that no one comments or was it the long process of downloading the vid?
sry for DP
very very nice ^^. very flashy, just overpowered. lower the damage so it's not 1 hit KO, and save henry's hp (100~150 damage will be sufficient). keep up the great work ^^

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