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Lemme join the sprite-making mania too :D

So I will post here my sprites and related stuff.

Rorshach from Watchmen
[Image: rorschachsprite.png]
Actual Rorshach from Watchmen Movie (Click to View)

Grimmjow from Bleach
[Image: grimmjowsprite.png]
Actual Grimmjow from Bleach Anime (Click to View)

Electric guy
[Image: someguy.png]
This sprite doesn't represent any real character, but let's say I partially referenced off him:
Peter Petrelli from Heroes (Click to View)
C & C are very welcome :)
It's dark.
Oh and it's awesome.
But it's dark.
(10-10-2009, 07:30 PM)Lauli Wrote: [ -> ]It's dark.
Oh and it's awesome.
But it's dark.
Haha...I know :)
Looks like the color theme I used was too dark after all...will see if I can make it lighter...
And tnx btw :D
I like it dark, it's very cool. Also you should make a space between it's mask and tie because now it looks like the tie extends from the mask.
Other then that very good!
thats really awesome.
I hope one day I reach that sprite maker lever :P

good job ;)
(10-10-2009, 10:09 PM)x90z75ek Wrote: [ -> ]I like it dark, it's very cool. Also you should make a space between it's mask and tie because now it looks like the tie extends from the mask.
Other then that very good!
Right, the tie is a bit crappy i suppose :p
And thank you all for positive have surely motivated me to do some more :D
At first all i saw was the face (I'm like ~ wtf? where's the rest :))
Hey here is way how to show ur sprite
I allways make the bg white instead of Black that way they can easily see the shape as well...
Make sure u show lighting on the clothes, the tie should be seperate from his face as well
(looked like part of his face)
Also lots' of the body parts seem to be out of proportion (arms, legs, waist, etc.)
just add a few adjustments and ur good to go ;)
100TH POST!!11

Right, so here's a new one:
Grimmjow from Bleach
[Image: grimmjowsprite.png]

If ya dunno who the hell Grimmjow is, take a look here:
Non-Bleachers (Click to View)
My comment:
The jaw-teeth thing came out really sh****, so I'd be happy to hear something about improving it.
Hair is Davis's, but recoloured of course :D

EDIT: First post updated
Awesome hair! Looks even better than the real ones (My opinion).
You might wanna change Grimmjow hair a little, cause it makes it not look like him. Everything else is good.
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