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Full Version: Creating a char (in Spanish)
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Someone can tell me how to make a character in Spanish?
Go to spain and make char there.
Oh wai.
I don't get what you mean :I Could you explain more clearly what you mean? +

There are more pages about basic DCing and introductory techniques and stuff that you can find on LFE - and just copy & paste the whole page into translate.

However, if you do understand English, then why not try to read and understand it in English as well?
(03-25-2012, 01:07 PM)Whaat Wrote: [ -> ]Go to spain and make char there.
Oh wai.
I don't get what you mean :I Could you explain more clearly what you mean?

I wanna create a character ,but i know a little of english,so can tell me how to make a char in spanish?? thanks
Ramond has just told you what to do. Translate his post if you can't understand. I'll keep this thread if anyone from Spain sees this and wildly decides to help you.

PM me, if you have unanswered questions and want this to be opened.