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Full Version: Some of my graphics
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Well just thought I'd share with you folks :)
Ive been doing this stuff for around the 5-6 years now, All self taught meaning, no tutourials, no menuals, and stuff like that.
My works are all pure trial and error process combined with imagination :o
(Look in the spoiler v)
Tell me what'cha think about this.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SOOOOOO AWESOME!!!!! Why has everybody got some talent but me? The things you did are really good and i really loved them. They all look pure and clean, and awesome. My favourite was the "Cosmic Explosion". Though (according to my eye site) the "Colorburst Reaper" seems to be your hardest and the one which took you the most time. You got ur own style, so keep it! And i would really love to c more. Also, can i use them for stuff (a desktop wallpaper perhaps) ?
Hard to believe that you got no help from resources. They look awesome!
Keep it up!