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Since today you see advertisement in the forum. This is necessary to afford LFE. BP suggested only to show the adds to visitors which aren't registered - I would support the idea, but actually I hope that the members which are registered also don't hesitate to visit sites where they're interested in...
Lol How much to does LFE get for the Ads? And are they sh**** ads?
(08-25-2008, 08:53 AM)dazzapizza Wrote: [ -> ]Lol How much to does LFE get for the Ads? And are they sh**** ads?

Ads that are depending on the topic :P
If the topic is crappy, the ads will be crappy, too. :D

Nah, seriously, if it is a topic in the hex forum, chances are high that they will be about exe-edits. But hey, just find it out :)