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RE: just some random sprites - MnM - 11-23-2010

i have just found some short cuts in sai tool:

ctrl+alt + hold ur mouse and drag it left or right to resize the brush .
alt = color select
ctrl + click and drag or mess around to move object.

PS: mine is sai v.1.10 english. Dunno about other versions.

RE: just some random sprites - Alectric - 11-23-2010

yeah, pretty much the same as photoshop.

also pressing [ and ] changes the brush size much easier. (in photoshop too)

RE: just some random sprites - Alectric - 01-11-2011

[Image: somechick.png] [Image: wasp.png] [Image: awesomface.png]

These are random terrible sprites, but i guess this thread needed a little update or whatever. Dont know why i made them either.

RE: just some random sprites - Marshall - 01-11-2011

F: legs a bit thick. Does not match with the rest of the physique. Love the school girl theme though
M: hair is a bit explosive even by super saiyajin standards. I should say it's a bit imbalanced, you get this fluffy top, then all ends rather abruptly towards the end / back of the neck. Amazing shirt though, totally digging it

RE: just some random sprites - Reaper - 01-11-2011

I do like the face picture, but he looks like he is in a bad mood and very tired (which might be the reason for his mood :D).
Other than that I aggree to everything what Marshall has said. Great shirt design for the middle sprite. Legs feel a bit short, though (or the shirt too long?).

RE: just some random sprites - Alectric - 02-06-2011

This is the sprite i mentioned in the COntest thread that i just finished, by myself, so i cant enter it, FFFFUUUUU
[Image: largem.png]
Btw, its a face mask.

This was completely drawn in grey scale, then coloured using a variety of blending layers.

Comments & Critique welcome.

RE: just some random sprites - prince_freeza - 02-07-2011

really really well done there alec, i seriously like yor current shading style. but is it just me or her left arm (our perspective) is juuust a bit short? imagine if she put it down then will look shorter than the other arm.


RE: just some random sprites - LutiChris - 02-07-2011

Damn bunch of details alec-trick...great job
on my way browsing devian-tart i happened to find a remarkable resemblance, check it out
pagestretch (Click to View)
i know it's a bit side-tracked from the discussion but it just reminded me of ur sprite
9.7/10 for outstanding craftmanship and fine detail...aside from a few proportional mishaps

V) noobish? how bout Alectric's Random Awesome Sprites

RE: just some random sprites - Whaat - 02-07-2011

That mask sprite is cool, but maybe the shoes should be of equal length?
And change ´´just some random sprites´´ to smthing more cool, atm it makes me think that this is some noob´s sprite thread D:

RE: just some random sprites - MnM - 02-08-2011

I think this is a great sprite u have ever made. If i am not wrong, this is same pose made by sieg in a contest O.o . This perfectly resembles to it. Also, u have proved that how simple designs are best suited than extravagance . hats off. And, i am not good at rating things >_< ,.

Suggestions : Her hair at the backside which is visible to us can have streaks of lines. Her Right hand needa have thumbs or u can just nevermind these comments.