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Frame 0~799 exe - Printable Version

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RE: Frame 0~799 exe - NirvanaNeron (Travoisnero) - 02-08-2009

I would gladly test this and post results, but that's only if i have enough freetime to work on this weekly.
I wanted my LF2 Modification to look smooth anyways, so for Super moves/combo i was going to use the ball method, but now that the frame-limit is over 400 ( 500-600 is all i needed) i can save some data space for more things.
I'm making characters with all 7 inputs used, plus 4 more skills as supers. long combos will use alot of frames, so this EXE will definitely help for that mod.
I had to take out a few custom states,(Grabs greatly influence these states, many fighting games have many frames involving grabs.) but maybe i could add them back with this.

Also more room to edit Balls and group similar ones in one data. I can probably make my Town System work with this.
maybe i should just make a silhouette template character that's just 4 color palletes so i can work on Data as soon as possible.

Then again, all of this could be theory, but its worth a try.

RE: Frame 0~799 exe - WoodySmasher - 04-14-2009

Great .exe perfect for my char Woody in my mod who uses about 100 frames for an attack!

RE: Frame 0~799 exe - genevrier - 04-14-2009

Actually it would be easier using state4xxx (with the setting not moving the frame to 0), but it is in case you don't mind using more than one dat file for a character.

RE: Frame 0~799 exe - Koragg88 - 09-01-2009

sry for reviving old thread but can you update the link?