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[solved] Getting Mp while standing still and a probelm - Printable Version

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RE: Getting Mp while standing still and a probelm - Hypermodder - 03-18-2009

@alb: 1)-> didnt know I had to explain soooo much -.-"!
mp: -10 in every standing frame will give you the s***.
Otherwise ask a hex-editer to copy firzens id-function!
1b) Itr/kind: 8 object
For example you could use the healingstars from john_ball.dat and give them a kind: 8, so they will stick on your char.
I sometimes use that for healing, only prob is, that the itr/kind 8 can jump on other chars. Works with hp, but in this case you need a hex-editer to add a new injury-function.

2)-> Superpunch
if you hurt an enemy with ranged attacks you cant use frame 70.
example: Henry
frame 70 has a specific range. So if you hurt enemys with arrows and come closer, you'll knock them down, otherwise you shoot them down.
This defense-counter thingy has one problem: weapons and balls! Will look stupid if you counter a ball.
frame 70 is usefull because you can't injure balls and thrown weapons!

2b)-> cpoint
same effect. Cpoint after defend-frames will grab chars, but not balls/weapons!
With cpoins you can change you own frame and the caught enemys frame. Also usefull for a counterattack.

RE: Getting Mp while standing still and a probelm - Madara Uchiha - 03-19-2009

ok i get it. thanks.

RE: Getting Mp while standing still and a probelm - Alectric - 03-19-2009

lol i downloaded the example hypermodder posted, and it had a TYPO!!!
it said john: DJA = energy,
it should have said Deep: DJA = energy
the best example around though, instant, easy what else could you need?

RE: Getting Mp while standing still and a probelm - TheNave - 03-19-2009

(03-18-2009, 11:51 PM)Hypermodder Wrote:  @alb: 1)-> didnt know I had to explain soooo much -.-"!
mp: -10 in every standing frame will give you the s***.
Otherwise ask a hex-editer to copy firzens id-function!

what the? mp: -XXX in each frame will decrase your mps continualy... just like, firen's fire run... or similar moves... only way to incrase your mp's is still
1. a mp: -XXX in the FIRST frame of a move (but that would give you mps for 1 time only but not continualy)
2. state: 17, id 120, etc.... and that is f***ing difficult for guys like madara, since you even have to mess around on the state: 0 in the standing frames... :/

RE: Getting Mp while standing still and a probelm - Alblaka - 03-19-2009

Nope... the negative mp-tag won't work on soem states... for example on standing, walking, running, etc... Same as "next"-values doesn't work in that frames...

RE: Getting Mp while standing still and a probelm - Madara Uchiha - 03-19-2009

The Nave stop treating me like an idiot -_-
i dont exactly sit at the computer all day thinking about LF2 like you do.

RE: Getting Mp while standing still and a probelm - Alblaka - 03-19-2009

(03-19-2009, 07:11 PM)Madara Uchiha Wrote:  The Nave stop treating me like an idiot -_-
i dont exactly sit at the computer all day thinking about LF2 like you do.

He isn't treating you like an idiot ^^ He told you, that it is damn difficult for everyone, who isn't a pro in that thing (i couldn't make a beer-regeneration in standing frames, also... i guess it's maybe even impossible...)

RE: Getting Mp while standing still and a probelm - Madara Uchiha - 03-19-2009

ok sorry my bad nave i apologize. ^^

RE: Getting Mp while standing still and a probelm - Hypermodder - 03-19-2009

You need to make new frames, alb.
Just check out the link I posted and stop discussing.
LFE has already been created and should be used instead of doing nooby discussions.

Here again:

RE: Getting Mp while standing still and a probelm - TheNave - 03-19-2009

(03-19-2009, 07:50 PM)Hypermodder Wrote:  You need to make new frames, alb.
Just check out the link I posted and stop discussing.
LFE has already been created and should be used instead of doing nooby discussions.

Here again:

duh!! do you even know how that thing actually works? it's like putting an mp: -500 in the FIRST FRAME OF A MOVE which is activated by a key combination... so the character gets 500 mp... then it was like, summoning a beer bottle and drink from it by using state 17, because if your mps are more than 500, f.e. 725, then it jumps back to 500(full) when he drinks from tha bottle...

but this won't work in this case, because...
1. mp tags are ignored on state: 0
2. it only works in the first frame of a move which is activated by a key combination... and frame 0 has never been activated like that
3. you would need to opoint a bottle and use state: 17
4. if you use state: 17 the character won't walk, defend, jump, attack, etc...

I'm not treating you like an idiot, but it's some stuff on which even I have some problems...