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[Mod] Little Sticks 2 - Printable Version

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RE: [Mod] Little Sticks 2 - TheNave - 03-27-2009

(03-27-2009, 06:49 PM)Lord Silva Wrote:  I cried when I saw that there is no beta :(

because you wanna play it or see how i dc'ed it...

I'm not sure if I'm going to molebox it or not... there will be really much guys who're stealing my dc'ed stuff and only changing the sprites...

RE: [Mod] Little Sticks 2 - Boop - 03-27-2009

Because I want to play it.

Moleboxing doesn't really affect me that much, I can still easily get the data (can't really get the sprites :p ). I'd tell you to not molebox it because I'm a crazy believer in open-source and what not, but like I said before... Doesn't affect me.

RE: [Mod] Little Sticks 2 - TheNave - 03-27-2009

(03-27-2009, 07:15 PM)Lord Silva Wrote:  Because I want to play it.

Moleboxing doesn't really affect me that much, I can still easily get the data (can't really get the sprites :p ). I'd tell you to not molebox it because I'm a crazy believer in open-source and what not, but like I said before... Doesn't affect me.

oh I forgot that you're the almightliy super Silva, so you can also get moleboxed datas... well I think I won't molebox it, ppls should learn from my stuff^^

RE: [Mod] Little Sticks 2 - XenoEX - 03-27-2009

You are so so lokomotive man! I have my Idea to make Ultimate Stick Fighter 2 in 2003 before!
Now you are making it , Hope you Finish the MOD!


RE: [Mod] Little Sticks 2 - Alectric - 03-27-2009

wow such nice combos, and moves!
cant wait!
do you have an estimate when its gonna come out?

RE: [Mod] Little Sticks 2 - dubbleD - 03-28-2009

about time stickman got his debut!

RE: [Mod] Little Sticks 2 - Jason_Wong - 03-28-2009

WOW, i really want you to finnsih this
stick men seem very easy so i think it won't take you tooo long or am i wrong?

RE: [Mod] Little Sticks 2 - TheNave - 03-28-2009

(03-28-2009, 02:28 PM)Jason_Wong Wrote:  WOW, i really want you to finnsih this
stick men seem very easy so i think it won't take you tooo long or am i wrong?

spriting is very easy, but not the coding, I'm doing really complicated moves there^^

anyway a little update:
I created a new attack for the gun char...
It's a fire shot which his actually as low-ranged as deeps or justins D>A, so it doesn't fly very far but got alot power...
There is also a bigger version which costs really much mps but is stronger and flys farer...
And ofc you can block that attacks by pressing the Attack-button in the right moment

RE: [Mod] Little Sticks 2 - Simoneon - 03-28-2009

nice moves.

just one thing: you should make that ultimate fire ball appear in a bit more centnery/y. That will make the ''ball'' go right from gun...

nice work so far. ;)

RE: [Mod] Little Sticks 2 - Silverthorn - 03-28-2009

haha, that's awesome! reminds me a little of xiaoxiao. did you see that "movie"? could give you some additional ideas ;)
same with the "castle series" (check either NG or