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RE: Aliens.... - Alectric - 05-23-2010

(05-23-2010, 04:48 AM)WoodySmasher Wrote:  Can there be a race older than us perhaps watching our moves now?
I highly doubt it. If there was an older race then us, then they'd be doing way more important things. Humans are stupid :P

@forgetlatios, im not sure why, but i see MANY flaws in your logic. Like, all of it :P

You guys should watch more science fiction movies, like Alien, war of the worlds, etc.

RE: Aliens.... - WoodySmasher - 05-23-2010

The humans would refuse to give'em resources & can it leads to war?

RE: Aliens.... - MH-Razen - 05-23-2010

actually I doubt they live on earth alread (like in Transformers) - why should they? In case they detected another intelligent race I think they would be fascinated like we would be.

On the opposite there`s the "Avatar"-Way - people come and use the resources - but I think that`s cause the mission is sponsored by a company and not science - the science they do on Pandora is just publicity :p

But for the original question: I definitly believe in Aliens, just not the little-green-men-way or the flying-saucer way. The theorie about microorganism might be true even in our sunsystem like on the moon "Titan" from Saturn if I remember right. The idea of Live like we have it on our planet isn`t unique for sure, too - the universe is so damn big and we will never be able to explore it compleatly - but I`m sure they`re out there...

RE: Aliens.... - Alectric - 05-23-2010

i was watching a documentary on the solar system, and they said that Mars could potentially have or had life on it, and Jupiter moons, Eurpoa and Titan, could also have potential life.
but that is only in microbe form.

It is of my opinion, that all life on this planet arent even from this solar system, so we are like aliens. We came on an asteroid and crashed into the earth, and set up base-camp :P
and on that theory, there could be life out there similar

EDIT: 1200 posts..what a waste :P

RE: Aliens.... - forgetlatios - 05-23-2010

me too^
actually it depends on our point of view. no one knows for sure, its kinda like when you were little and you thought the tooth fairy existed :P

RE: Aliens.... - WoodySmasher - 05-23-2010

can you imagine how universe formed?

RE: Aliens.... - forgetlatios - 05-23-2010

yea- kinda... you can imagine anything, but we will never know... so now i think its like... well like dreaming of dreaming of dreaming... yea or in other words, the universe died and made a new universe which died and made a new universe... D: thus, we shall never know... till mankind travels through time... :D

RE: Aliens.... - WoodySmasher - 05-23-2010

i heard in an article that if not for the extinction of pre historic marine fishes humans wouldn't have evolved. What do you think?

RE: Aliens.... - forgetlatios - 05-23-2010

well, i read life started in the ocean. enough said.

RE: Aliens.... - MH-Razen - 05-23-2010

(05-23-2010, 06:28 AM)Alectric Wrote:  It is of my opinion, that all life on this planet arent even from this solar system, so we are like aliens. We came on an asteroid and crashed into the earth, and set up base-camp :P
and on that theory, there could be life out there similar

Ok, then lets turn it around - how did the live come to the asteroid? Don`t tell god is playing in his playground throwing out little balls to the universe :p

(05-23-2010, 06:37 AM)WoodySmasher Wrote:  can you imagine how universe formed?

The Big Bang and from this point: Expansion :p

(05-23-2010, 07:03 AM)forgetlatios Wrote:  well, i read life started in the ocean. enough said.

it started on those hot-spots (hope the word is right) - the first steps where scientists tell it`s live is just a chemical reaction, then there was some kind of skin (don`t think it`s like our skin, I just dont know a better word...) around this reaction and that was the start :p