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Character sprite concepts - Printable Version

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RE: Character sprite concepts - Memento - 06-23-2015

Do you simply mean that he's too tall? Because I think the proportions are just fine. Resizing is little work.

ps what are you going to work on during summer Marko?

RE: Character sprite concepts - Marko - 06-26-2015

I might be willing to do something for mod as soon as see some progress from others. I don't want to waste my time. My motivation to do actaul progress for this mod right now is really low, but i am motivated enough if you want me to by creative and brainstorm about something considered to mod.. moves for each character or which moves should be added to originals, something like that. I did my moveset for Main Villian long time ago that i've never posted. Do you want to hear it?

RE: Character sprite concepts - Memento - 06-26-2015

(06-26-2015, 05:07 PM)Marko Wrote:  I might be willing to do something for mod as soon as see some progress from others.

We all have to take responsibility and make it happen. If everybody's justing waiting for others to do something, this will never be completed.

(06-26-2015, 05:07 PM)Marko Wrote:  I don't want to waste my time.

Take comfort in knowing that I will continue working on this mod until it is done, even if I'm the only one left in the end and it will take a long time. So your work will not be wasted.

The deadline (August 15th) still goes for all of us. I set it because we don't need more discussion for this mod, we need things to actually be made to see progress. Again, if everybody's just going to wait for others to make stuff, it won't happen. Thus it is good if you want to participate in brainstorming, but I hope you also want to pick some spritingwork to do as the deadline is there for a reason..

RE: Character sprite concepts - Marko - 06-26-2015

i see your point that progress need to be done.. but i don't understand how would brainstorming and planning movesets for char affect that in any way.
It can'tharm project, that's for sure.

RE: Character sprite concepts - Memento - 06-26-2015

(06-26-2015, 07:29 PM)Marko Wrote:  i see your point that progress need to be done.. but i don't understand how would brainstorming and planning movesets for char affect that in any way.
It can'tharm project, that's for sure.

Don't get me wrong, brainstorming and planning movesets is absolutely a must. We should keep doing that. The discussing should be complementary though, right before our break we were discussing more than we were actually spriting.

We (spriters) can all work at something
- Ariel can work on general
- Arcane can work on Nino
- I can work on the teleportation minion
- Joho can work on the werewolf character (human form)
- Rhino.Freak can complete Nino's data

The only person at this point who doesn't really have a clear task is you

As for you, you could work on new moves for existing characters. We have a clear idea on a new move for Louis already (the shockwave), so no need to brainstorm on that one. We just need to fill in some details for that move. Yes, we will need a little discussion there, but in the end it should be the person that is going to create that move who decides the look in the end (except if many people disagree). Main focus should be working on the mod, not discussing it, since we can all work on something.

Do you agree? :)

(ps. Marko is the general sprite good if resized to +- 90% size?)

RE: Character sprite concepts - Marko - 06-26-2015

give me task.

EDIT: I will try

RE: Character sprite concepts - Memento - 06-27-2015

(06-26-2015, 11:28 PM)Marko Wrote:  give me task.

Alright. Do you want to make the new Louis move?

If you agree, please continue the chat in the 'originals - new moves' topic

Thanks Marko!