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[solved] Itr 8 / Additions? - Printable Version

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RE: Itr 8 / Additions? - Silverthorn - 01-16-2009

the best method is.... to let out your creativity. As MH said, most problems that involve any interference between two objects can be solved using kind: 8. Just think about a hard problem and a method on how to solve it. You'll notice pretty fast that you'll need it in most solutions ;)

RE: Itr 8 / Additions? - Alblaka - 01-17-2009

Some new questions:

Is it possible to give an itr:8 to a move of a character (so type:0)? So, "adding" him to another character?
I read somethign about that in the Fusion section, but wasn't sure...

What happens with "whatevers" that are packed with a itr:8 on a object and the object gets destroyed? Do they disappear or wait on their position until they find something new?

If a ball with itr:8 hits a player and attaches to him; Will it continue it normal frame-flow? So going over "next:" and so on? Will it still stay at the object, if it leaves the frame with the itr:8 ?

Sry, for spamming questions XD

RE: Itr 8 / Additions? - Silverthorn - 01-17-2009

it's all right, they're topic-relevant, so yea ;)

>> Is it possible to give an itr:8 to a move of a character (so type:0)? So, "adding" him to another character?
well, like you can stick t3-objects to a character, you can also stick characters to characters. So you can make chars temporarily disappear (actually, they're just invisible and stick to another char).

>>What happens with "whatevers" that are packed with a itr:8 on a object and the object gets destroyed? Do they disappear or wait on their position until they find something new?
If the holding object is destroyed, the itr-thing will continue its normal frame-flow. It won't be destroyed.

>>If a ball with itr:8 hits a player and attaches to him; Will it continue it normal frame-flow? So going over "next:" and so on? Will it still stay at the object, if it leaves the frame with the itr:8 ?
kind 8 interrupts the normal frame order. As long as there is a bdy and this itr overlapping each other, the frame noted in dvx will be played. Just in case the itr-object doesn't find a bdy, it'll continue it's normal frame-flow.

RE: Itr 8 / Additions? - Alblaka - 01-17-2009

I thought, dvx defines the frame, where the hit object will jump to?

RE: Itr 8 / Additions? - Silverthorn - 01-17-2009

it defines the frame the object with the itr will go to.

RE: Itr 8 / Additions? - Alblaka - 01-17-2009

dang it...
That screws my ideas up...
Therefore i have to give a itr:3 to the object to make the hitted guy getting to a definied frame?

RE: Itr 8 / Additions? - Silverthorn - 01-17-2009

yep, you nailed that one ;)