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RE: [mod] The Saga-lf2-project - Hypermodder - 06-05-2008

they aren't clones, they are simultants who dissaper after the move--

the deep-push is my style--nothing to say!!!

DARK john explodes while healing, endbosses must be hard to beat, but theres a way to beat him:

after the explosion finished, go into him, so the heal-effect will heal you and Dark john will be kinda paralized, so you can punch him--

The game needn't be realistic!
Sorcerers aren't realistic, but Marti and starski made them, so lf2v1.9c isn't realisctic, too!

The rest is my style-- do not comment my style, so I won't comment your shoes!^^

RE: [mod] The Saga-lf2-project - ~Dome~ - 06-05-2008

Since when are there difficult attack styles? changing dvy is not very stylefull XD
fist you say the game is logistic and then you say the game donĀ“t has to be realistic...

and why is sorcerer unrealistic? He uses his magic stick to fire elementary magic..
But that an EXPLOSION heales you is kinda weird...

RE: [mod] The Saga-lf2-project - Hypermodder - 06-05-2008

it does not hurt him, it's caused by his amulet, and it blasts away all the pain from his body and his soul!
-YOu will understand, when I've finished the story....-
Did you ever saw magic in REAL life? no- so it's not REAListic! Hope you see what i mean!

RE: [mod] The Saga-lf2-project - ~Dome~ - 06-05-2008

XD you compare the real world and the most game worlds, very much games play in the ~13th century, many people thought of magicians and stuff like that in this time, so in much games are magicians, swordfighter and ((stuff like Henry)).

We better stop the discussion now...

RE: [mod] The Saga-lf2-project - Hypermodder - 06-05-2008


->I replaced the broken-weapon.dat->no result :(!

RE: [mod] The Saga-lf2-project - manxeater - 06-08-2008

dome is right about realisticness.
but i dont care^_^
dome is also right about the simultants.
remove bdys :D
i have 1 more suggedtion to give.
if you want to make the simultants hover fly or something , you will have to use type 3 objects.
so its always better to use type 3;)
that wil also allow you to make the simulant destroyable.:D

RE: [mod] The Saga-lf2-project - Hypermodder - 06-08-2008

you're right, if you use dennis whirlkich when bat summons his simultants they will fly around, even if i had removed the bdys!

I made a type 3 -simultant 1 time- dennis DvA! Will make every silmultant like this! thx for review, were helpfull!

RE: [mod] The Saga-lf2-project - Scorpion - 06-19-2008

Read this for your knights

RE: [mod] The Saga-lf2-project - sadbhav - 06-22-2008

SO? when will u finish it?