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[lf2 remake] applet preview - Printable Version

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RE: [lf2 remake] update 19th June 2008 - Silverthorn - 06-19-2008

I could spam here now by posting one of the regular "good job"-comments, but I'm not gonna do that now :P
Instead... are you implementing some states (<= running, punching) now (and later some interaction)?

RE: [lf2 remake] update 19th June 2008 - Azriel - 06-26-2008

after #$%#%^&*!@!*@&(^$ hours of thinking (plus trial and error coz i got tired of working out the logic)
I've made running...


...and yes there's messages as well! Just define it in the map data with
x,y,z and detection sensitivity, and if the player's x,y,z value goes close enough to the coordinate + its sensitivity in the x and z axes, the message appears. Oh i should do it in the y axis as well (coz if u make really huge bgs in the y axis u don't want it appearing when u're around that area at a different platform). Haven't done dash yet.

next time round hopefully i get to do:
-multiple bdy
-multiple itr
-fix states (right now there's one more bug with running but it's coz of jumping so it doesn't matter)


RE: [lf2 remake] update 26th June 2008 - manxeater - 06-26-2008

can you do multiple opoint?

RE: [lf2 remake] update 26th June 2008 - Silverthorn - 06-26-2008

Great thing, I always love to see your progress :)
I didn't really get the purpose of the messages yet, except if you make some sort of signs and the character "reads" them...

RE: [lf2 remake] update 26th June 2008 - Azriel - 07-03-2008


update 3rd July:
dash, backdash, jump + land dash
multiple bdys (u can't see this but it's in the data yea)


RE: [lf2 remake] update 3rd July 2008 - Megatron - 07-03-2008

Yea xD Very crazy, this update has more posibility.

RE: [lf2 remake] update 3rd July 2008 - Satanael - 07-11-2008

Azriel what are you using for create new lf?? Java + OpenGl ?

RE: [lf2 remake] update 3rd July 2008 - Azriel - 07-23-2008

pmed Satanael ages ago (in case u "find it rude" of me "ignoring" him)

This isn't the actual remake project, but it's something I probably would try to implement. right now the mapchange is directly coded in the source. (have to make it so that u can set the starting coordinates)

side note: this thingy was recorded in a web browser.


RE: [lf2 remake] update 3rd July 2008 - MH-Razen - 07-23-2008

wow this is so amazing. Will you create an own stage mode in the end with a cool story? would even help if I can :p

RE: [lf2 remake] update 3rd July 2008; video 23rd July - Mgccl - 07-25-2008

Good work
Open sourcing it?
I guess no xD.
what libraries did you use?
I don't like java... but sometimes it make many things so much easier...
btw how long does it take for you to get something like this?
My remake should start when I get into MIT.