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Where did your Username come from? - Printable Version

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RE: Where did your Username come from? - TheFox - 09-23-2008

My name is TheFox.
The "The" has no special meaning and "Fox" is the english word of my family name Fuchs.

RE: Where did your Username come from? - Lagger17 - 09-23-2008

I am Lagger17, because i lagged all time at the past*. The 17...find it out. For the most its just to make my Nick different.

*i had just a 56K connection...meanswhile I got broadband

RE: Where did your Username come from? - Gad - 09-28-2008

My first nick was John_Pizza, couse i liked the John's "Pizza" - disc.

After i had a "Gazio" nick - my brother Was Gedzio, and somebody called me Gazio... That how this begun. I had this nick 2 years, but in gimnasium somebody heard "Gadzie", not "Gazio" and "Gadzie" it's Gad in locative. So that's why i'm Gad.

RE: Where did your Username come from? - STM1993 - 10-01-2008

Long long time ago, when I was playing Runescape with my brother, we saw this guy with the name "Spy the man". I liked the name, and so from that day forth, I adopted the name together with my birth year: "Spy_The_Man1993". If you cut out the words to make it shorter, you'd get the abbreviation: "STM1993".

Even though I've changed names many times last time, this name has become my trademark and favourite name. In the end, because I've been well-known in the areas of the internet that I visit under this name + name-changing caused a lot of trouble, I decided not to change names anymore. I decided to dedicate myself to stick to this name, so if I had used a different name in other places or that name has problems, I'd change it to this.

Typing the long-form of the name can be tedious and may make it hard for others to decide what to call me (Eg: "Spy", "SpyMan") and may clash with other people who also have names with a "Spy" in them. So I decided to use the abbreviation. You can now call me simply by one common term: "STM" or the full abbreviation without much or any confusion.

Now and for as long as possible in any internet community which I participate in more actively, I shall remain known as STM1993.

And if anyone wanted to know the original full name or meaning, they can always ask or refer to my personal message / signature.

RE: Where did your Username come from? - Montblanc - 10-07-2008

montblanc, from final fantasy (i only knew him from final fantasy tactics, but i heard he was in other FF games too).

RE: Where did your Username come from? - Hukko - 10-07-2008

From Avatar
Have a character named "Prince Zuko"
So, Zuko + Hugo (My real name) + K = Hukko :)

RE: Where did your Username come from? - SamuelKPeter - 10-07-2008

Well I was playing an EarthBound hack and at some time it telled me to type my name so it could generate an "alias", so I did (Samuel Petersen) and the game spilled "SamuelKPeter". I thought "Hey, that's really a cool nickname!" so I started using it. Before I also had an username but it was bad compared to this one I have now.

RE: Where did your Username come from? - icelandia - 11-10-2008

really, i have at least 5 nick. icelandia is only a id ( i cant create ids whit 3 letters)
ice, my first nick, because i cant sense Cold in the air
ColDFuXioN: nick for the mages
ColD: simple nick
EliX, from the book, i writting a book ( 128 pag, now)
and... ( breath ) wen i was young a group of boys tan live near mi house call me ... Mayonesa Boy ( for the legend that one day i eat a full flask of helmans, is a lie, i hate helmans ;) )

my reputation is down and dowwwwwn...

RE: Where did your Username come from? - Guigs - 11-10-2008

from my real name :D

RE: Where did your Username come from? - Ascor - 11-10-2008

Didn realized that i've posted not here :D

hmm the name "Lf2-Hacker" is nuthing special
just an uncreative name :D
the name kenzo is a bit interesting
Ken means the third son of an family
and zo means the wise or the ehr intellectuel one :D