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The Vending Machine - Printable Version

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RE: The Vending Machine - Silverthorn - 06-08-2008

Out comes desparation and fear of evil mod powers who are judging about the closing of forum games :p

I put C8H10N4O2 into the vending machine.

To make that clear once for all, the vending machine TRANSFORMS things, it doesn't let things stay the same, otherwise we could also call the vending machine: pipe :p
Also it's indestructable, like already said, it TRANSFORMS things but these item cannot actually affect the machine in any way. Period.

RE: The Vending Machine - Hypermodder - 06-08-2008

Out comes C6H8O7!

I put a DCer which did not know the real function of Hit_d and Hit_a into the vm!^^ Guess who!
(he tried to tell meh that hit_d is the wait-timer in type:3 objects; what a fool!)

RE: The Vending Machine - Silverthorn - 06-08-2008

flaming war is the result. and guess who has to trash all these posts again?

I put a feather into the vending machine (wut?)

RE: The Vending Machine - STM1993 - 06-09-2008

Out from the vending machine, soars a great, blue phoenix.

I put into the vending machine, a dumpling. (it's a type of food)

RE: The Vending Machine - Silverthorn - 06-09-2008

out comes... a burger! (yes, I'm hungry :P)

I put an armor into the vending machine

RE: The Vending Machine - stence - 06-09-2008

out comes a knight

i put a military tank in the vending machine

RE: The Vending Machine - STM1993 - 06-09-2008

Out from the vending machine, a new Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) appeared.

I shove in this smilie Twisted.

RE: The Vending Machine - ~Dome~ - 06-09-2008

out comes uglysmily
I put HM´s "I am the best and you not, and this is advanced D.C!!!111one" characteristic in the vm...

RE: The Vending Machine - Hypermodder - 06-09-2008

Out comes a blank sheet of paper! (see, you lil child can't even make meh laughing with you sucessless posts) :p

I put a golden warhammer into the vm!
(not the online-game, a real warhammer, don't ask meh where I buyed it!!!)

RE: The Vending Machine - SirFrog - 06-09-2008

Out comes a plastic warhammer...

I put my mask in the vending machine...