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RE: Aliens.... - forgetlatios - 05-23-2010

now then, bp having said all that must mean this
>bp is an alien :P

(05-23-2010, 09:47 AM)Alblaka Wrote:  Actually it's not a paradox:
Killing yourself in the past is a paradox.
Doing something in the past doesn't need to be a paradox always.

> In the future the guy receives a letter from himself (placed in the past) telling him to travel back in time, defeat you and write the letter.
It's not a paradox ^^

yea but if you cause a paradox, the universe is immediately destroyed :P
AND if you write a letter to yourself in the future, telling him to write the letter to himself when he has killed you...
1) he kills you
2) he doesn't exist, thus he cannot write the letter
3) even if he killed you after writing the letter, he would have died, the future him would never recieve the letter as he would have died long ago.

RE: Aliens.... - SirisRhazael - 05-23-2010

Question: Is BluePhoenix an alien?
Guru's answer: I refuse to answer to this. It might be that I'd regret the answer later on.

RE: Aliens.... - SirFrog - 05-23-2010

*pokes his head in* Oh...It's this disgussion. Well, as for arguments, I agree completely with BP. However, there's something I've got to add.
Most likely, we can't imagine what the life out there's like. Literally. Just because all life we know are carbon-based doesn't mean that all life is. It could be silicon-based, or iron-based. They could have organs doing things we have no idea about. Thus, there's a large possibility that IF we ever sould encounter multi-celled life out there, we wouldn't reconize it as life.

RE: Aliens.... - Ramond - 05-23-2010

^ Yep. It's not like every lifeform has the same senses as us, seeing hearing smelling tasting feeling. So stuff (light, sounds, smells, ...) that reacts with one of our senses makes us sense it. Doesn't neccessarily need to make other lifeforms sense it.

RE: Aliens.... - Reaper - 05-23-2010

^Totally agree to SirFrog. There once was an article about other life-forms saying that life could be based on anything with attributes close to the stuff our life is based on. For example arsenic (not sure what it was supposed to replace, though.)
I do believe however that aliens will have similar senses. Not necessarily smelling and probably some we don't have, but light or sounds are likely.
Btw: This kinda reminds me of this thread:
Basically you can find every argument about aliens in there as well.

About the big bang: Problem is that basically everything what might have been there before it has been destroyed, so we can't say much about it. For instance, there is the theory of the big bounce. As you may or may not know, the speed our universe expands with is decreasing (at least so it's said, I haven't measured it myself). Because of this some scientists believe that it will somewhen stop expanding and become smaller again until it's incredibly small again and it goes round and round...

RE: Aliens.... - SirisRhazael - 05-23-2010

Well, EVEN if aliens exist, they don't live among us. Or do you have clear evidences?
Many of "aliens" we can see today are impossible-to-explain (yet) physical (and more) phenomena.

RE: Aliens.... - LutiChris - 05-23-2010

there is possible life in Jupitar's moon's, Europa....but yeah no clear evidence has been proven....

i think there is life out in our universe, but proboally not as noticable as our own kind....still pre-mature

also The Big Bang Theory that has informed all of modern cosmology and science down to the origins of space, time, and life, has been disproved : it's probably all wrong. Thanks to observations by Halton Arp, the use of redshifting to determine distances between objects in space -- and the premise behind the Big Bang -- has proven to be incorrect. Having found supposedly distant quasars in front of nearby galaxies, the Big Bang may be snuffed out.

RE: Aliens.... - TheNave - 05-23-2010

It's said, that because the universe is infinity, there's also almost an infinity amount of planets and solarsystems out there, so that there might be a chance, that on one planet, life evolved exactly as on earth, also with humans and stuff, ofc, the chance of that happening is really really slim, but if you consider the fact that there's an infinity amount of planets, then it actually might be possible that there are actuall humans on other planets in this universe
oh and, ofc there'll be a f***ing damn lot of other alliens, too, but I'm just say'ing twinplanets of earth might exist as well as a culture similar to humans

and btw, when I say infinity amount of planets, it's not exactly infinity, but it's just so much more than we could even possible imagine with our brain, that it's considered to be almost infinity

RE: Aliens.... - WoodySmasher - 05-24-2010

How long do u think u will live? Can u imagine our technological developements by then?

@Nave: put sme spoilers on ur sig. It's rather annoying to scroll down!

RE: Aliens.... - SirisRhazael - 05-25-2010

Yeah, we're living much longer than in ye olde times... although *ehm* I don't expect a "turning point" (like teleportation) in our technical development in this century.
Even in science there are some barriers which are impossible-to-broke yet.
To the aliens: It'd be good to know if they exist, but what are the advantages?