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My sprites (chase123) - Printable Version

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RE: My sprites (chase123) - chase123 - 05-11-2009

how is this one:

[Image: sprite18.png]

sprite based on jack.

RE: My sprites (chase123) - WoodySmasher - 05-11-2009

I think it's good. The hair drawing is the thing u need to improve.

RE: My sprites (chase123) - chase123 - 05-11-2009

thanks i updated one of my sprites:

[Image: sprite14.png]

RE: My sprites (chase123) - skelguardian - 05-11-2009

I actually like your second last one :o. Though the hair does look kind of strange indeed...
And you've improved in shading too!

Your last one is less good, in my opinion.. The face is kind of.. Squary? (I don't know how to explain, sry ^^)
Also the hair isn't brilliant either.
And try to make the hands the same size ;).

but I can see your trying, and you are improving a lot too ;)! Just keep up the work and u'll get there :)!

RE: My sprites (chase123) - Alectric - 05-12-2009

you seem to be getting the hang of it ;)
just need to practice the hair shapes, and you'll be set.
it kind of looks like you made the shape of the square where the sprite is, then tried ot fit in his har, so its a bit squashed

RE: My sprites (chase123) - chase123 - 05-20-2009

thanks here is another one:

[Image: sprite20.png]

P.S i made this sprite for woody smasher.


RE: My sprites (chase123) - Reaper - 05-20-2009

your really getting better, but there is one thing bugging me in many of your sprites.
Often one of his legs or arms is bigger than the other one. And the body often looks a bit like a barrel. Fix those two things and they will be very good.
For this special sprite I can only complain that the head is maybe a bit too big( and those things with legs and body.)

RE: My sprites (chase123) - Shadow - 05-22-2009

Ai.......Good Sprites...............
I actually dont make sprites cause i dont know how to...
just cut paste parts of chars and pasting in MS paint...
they are better than mine! :D

RE: My sprites (chase123) - chase123 - 05-25-2009

thanks and prepare to be amazed:

[Image: sprite21.png]

RE: My sprites (chase123) - Alectric - 05-25-2009

still needs some work.
his hair is still in a weird mess, try practice some hair shapes/outlines.
tha pants are good, though i think you should add some highlights.
the shirt is also pretty good, but again needs some highlights. LF2 chars usually have about 3 shades of a colour on them. another thing, his left arm looks like it is in front of him, just remove/shorten the line to fix that.

again, i dont really like the colours used. they are too bright or unrealistic. go for some darker colours.

nearly there man!