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new character Icczy (sprite not complet) - Printable Version

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new character Icczy (sprite not complet) - Kaydo Takamora - 06-24-2016

hello guys i creat this character for challenge with prince freeza hes name icczy

i challenge you prince_freeza

pls accept this challenge

RE: new character Icczy (sprite not complet) - Gad - 06-26-2016

Sorry, youre clearly overestimating your skills. This is really cheap freeze remake. Absolutely no challenge for Pf... Unless this is worst character sprites challenge.

RE: new character Icczy (sprite not complet) - Kaydo Takamora - 06-26-2016

ok i want to change sprite then i challenge PF ok?
and thank you Gad for this

RE: new character Icczy (sprite not complet) - Marko - 06-28-2016

prince freeze is retired from this forum.. Even if he wasn't, i really doubt he would accept challenge anyway