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This video contains useful combos for almost all characters except Hunter, Jan & Knight - whom I cannot really find any practical combos for.
It does not include combos done with weapons, except for Freeze with his ice sword.
Done with an LF2 modded for weapons to not drop from the sky, all else unchanged.
This tutorial is aimed at casual players, not expert PvP players who already know all these & more.
Do enable CC/Subtitles in YouTube to see the inputs.
Combos included:
note: !DvA! means pressing all 3 keys for DvA at the same time.
Deep's combos largely require the user to be slightly behind the enemy & have some timing with the inputs.
1. AAA (behind enemy) D>AAA - if done correctly, cannot be flipped
2. AA >(G) Ax5 D>J - has a specific timing to flip correctly
3. AA D>J
4. AA DvA (D>...J)
5. AA DvA,A, (D<...J)
6. AA... D<A D>J
7. AA DvA JA
8. DvA,AA
9. DvA (Dv...A) JA
10. DvA,A < !DvA! JA
11. DvA (D>...A)A
12. DvA,A (D<...A)AA
13. AA >!DvA! (D>...A)A >JA
14. AA <<A DvA,A (D>...J) DvA (Dv...A) JA. - uses wall at the end
John's combos are centered around D>J, and success is highly dependent on the relative position between you and your enemy.
1. AAA JA - if you do JA fast enough it cannot be escaped by flipping
2. AAA A D>A
3. AAA (D>...J) D>A
4. AAA (D>...J) A, >>JA / AAA (D<...J) A, <<JA - IMPORTANT
5. AAA (D<...J) D<A D>A
6. AAA (D>...J) <!D>J! >>JA
Video also shows the energy shield combos being used for anti-defend.
1. AA D>A
2. (G)Ax4 D,(>A) - this is the throw+palm combo, this is the correct way to do it, not (>A)D>A, that's pretty much impossible.
3. (G) Ax4 (>A) A - anti-flip
4. D^J (wait til enemy is at max height)D, >>JA
5. D^J (wait til enemy is at max height)D>A
If Freeze's combos are done correctly, they should not be escapable by flipping.
1. AAA D>A J...A >JA - jump attack is used around the apex of your jump
2. AAA (walk near enemy) <D^J <<JA / AAA D>A <D^J <<JA / AAA D>A <D^J D<A <<JA
3. AAA DvJ A <D^J D<A <<...(<A). <<JA.
4. ice sword + (frozen enemy) get some range, D>A >>(>A) >>JA.
5. ice sword + (frozen enemy) >D^J <,JA (<A). <<JA.
GgBear's complete Freeze combo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTbE-1iFWLI
Should be noted that the Grab Spinkick is banned in tournaments, and in the video I mentioned a few specific characters who can counter it.
1. AA (D>...J)J, D>A, >>JA.
2. AA DvA <(G) DvA
3. AA D>JJ >(G) DvA.
4. >>A DvA <(G) DvA.
5. (G)D<J,(2-hits)J >A >(G).
6. (G) D>J (3hits)J. to continue, < >(G)D>J. / If change direction, quickly press >, then quickly hold <.
7. anti-defend: Cancel spinkick as soon as you hear the block sound, then spinkick again.
These are all really standard combos for AAA Super/DvA + Leap/DP, with a couple of exceptions that involve instant running.
a) AAA D>A >DvA >JA
b) AAA D>A > DvA >A
Some Things Davis can do - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtC04fzFtVE