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[solved] Itr question - Gad - 09-27-2008

I need itr, which is breaking Louis' Push Blast :(!

I have this:

kind: 0 x: -3500 y: -650 w: 7000 h: 10300 dvx: -12 dvy: -18 fall: 70 vrest: 300 bdefend: 16 injury: 150 zwidth: 9999
effect: 23

and i need to make itr, which is not breakable by push force :((( It can't burn and freeze etc....

RE: Itr question - Lauli - 09-27-2008

Delete the bdy in the other ball-attacks?
Or make them unreachable for the palm-attack from Louis.

RE: Itr question - Silverthorn - 09-27-2008

if you totally want to smash Louis's push-thingy, you need to activate a new object. This has no bdy, runs with state: 3005 (since it's the strongest state there is).
Better is, you activate two objects, the first takes care of Louis's attack (no injury, fall & bdefend are 0), and the second one will have the desired itr ;)

RE: Itr question - Marshall - 09-27-2008

can't be bothered to test it out myself, but what happens if you change the state to 15, set no bdys and use kind 9? I think it might beat state 3005 with no bdy

RE: Itr question - Gad - 09-27-2008

Thx marshall xD i forgot to use kind 9 xD :)) But it's still state 3005

RE: Itr question - MH-Razen - 09-29-2008

(09-27-2008, 04:04 PM)Blue-Phoenix Wrote:  if you totally want to smash Louis's push-thingy, you need to activate a new object. This has no bdy, runs with state: 3005 (since it's the strongest state there is).
Better is, you activate two objects, the first takes care of Louis's attack (no injury, fall & bdefend are 0), and the second one will have the desired itr ;)

as far as I know the state doesnt even matter if you use no bdy...

(09-27-2008, 06:15 PM)Marshall Wrote:  can't be bothered to test it out myself, but what happens if you change the state to 15, set no bdys and use kind 9? I think it might beat state 3005 with no bdy

... but marshall is right: shield also protect from julians big balls and palm attacks...

RE: Itr question - Gad - 09-29-2008

So why the heck if i had state: 3005 and itr kind: 0 with no bdy the louis palm was able to destroy my attack?

RE: Itr question - Silverthorn - 09-29-2008

I dunno why, but I actually had problems even without a bdy. Just for the heck of it, I removed the bdy from Julian's Skull Blast Attack and still, it could be destroyed by other attacks. Who knows why... I don't :P

RE: Itr question - Gad - 09-29-2008

Same with Bat's bats, even if you change sprite files, it will be always bat_chase.bmp :/

RE: Itr question - Drahcir - 09-29-2008

Well, maybe the itr counts as a pseudo-bdy...

Edit--Didn't test it, but I think the ball will go to the hitting-frames when it hits the state:3005 ball.