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[solved] Attacking question - Printable Version

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[solved] Attacking question - Zabobula - 11-13-2008

How do you add more attacks into one punch? It's kinda hard to say but you know how in davis's run punch, he punches twice. How can I make it so that he punches more than once?

I want to make it as if it was the R-LF2's davis run punch.

RE: Attacking question - Bamboori - 11-13-2008

the punch has quite many frames, and in several frames there is an itr.
so the first hits the oppononent and a moment later the second hits.

hope you understand me :)

RE: Attacking question - Zabobula - 11-13-2008

I was thinking of adding more than one itr to each frame.

RE: Attacking question - Bamboori - 11-13-2008

then do it, it works :D

RE: Attacking question - itsmee - 11-13-2008

add vrest: 4 in the itr and cancel the arest: x~

RE: Attacking question - Hypermodder - 11-13-2008

vrest: 5 if you have 2 itr's!
vrest: 4 if you have 1 itr!
vrest: 3/2 for very weak itr's!
vrest: 1 for permanent itr's!

RE: Attacking question - Silverthorn - 11-13-2008

two itr's: for creating areas that aren't just rectangles but, for example something in the shape of an "L". It doesn't do terribly much more.
vrest's: generally it is: the lower the value, the more often the itr will hit. vrest: 1 means that the itr hurts the enemy every frame. Caution, when you do this, you might get stuck in that attack-frame. Any value of 3 and above is, in my opinion, the most secure thing you can choose (2 creates bugs sometimes). The higher the vrest, the longer it takes to "charge up" the itr to hurt again. For screenfilling attacks, you might want to choose a vrest which is greater than 999, so that you won't hit the enemy twice (if you don't want that, of course :P). So yea, I think that's anything about that topic. For short reference: see post above :P