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[solved] new chracter - Printable Version

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[solved] new chracter - Madara Uchiha - 11-24-2008

i want to create a character who has 2 faces for example in batman thiers i guy called 2 face when he looks right he has a face when he looks left he has a diffrent face i want to create a chracter so when he looks right he will have a face and whn he looks right he will have a diffrent face u understand?

RE: new chracter - Drahcir - 11-24-2008

Impossible. The sprites are flipped in-game.

RE: new chracter - Madara Uchiha - 11-25-2008

are u 100% sure its not possible

RE: new chracter - Azriel - 11-25-2008

it's not possible. 100% absolutely completely perfectly undoubtedly sure it's not possible. ey~ I wrote that part of the lf2 remake engine and I just flip sprites.


RE: new chracter - Bamboori - 11-25-2008

maybe it is possible, but it will be veeery difficult.
an idea would be that he creates an object that has something with the defend-state in its technique.

RE: new chracter - Silverthorn - 11-25-2008

forget it, the way lf2 was designed makes it impossible not to flip sprites. Even if it worked, the amount of time you'd have to spend on it would be incredibly large. Don't make yourself any hopes, accept the fact that the sprites flip in-game; and you can't change this.

RE: new chracter - The Lost Global Mod - 11-25-2008

in theory i could think of a way.... first of all you need two spritesheets...
the one with face1 and the second with face2.
when the char is face for example right...or the key "right" is pressed.. you have to tell the exe that it should take the second spritesheet..

but how to realize that.... no idea.