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Problems playing (LF2 v.2.0) - Printable Version

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Problems playing (LF2 v.2.0) - KaywonnJuto - 01-29-2009

Last week for some reason?
Once the modem was functioning properly...
I started using LF2 v.2.0

It adruptently failed to show up...
Instead it said "An Error has Occured"
"This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect."
"Reinstalling the application may fix this problem"
I tried that already...but it doesn't seem to work...
(reinstalling it in the same and designated Location)
So instead of putting it in My Documents...
I put it to where it would normally save it to (when you Download it)...

Which is -
C:\Program Files\LittleFighter2\LF2_v2.0
But it still wouldn't work?

I did the exact same thing with LF2 v.1.9c
and it came out perfectly...
using both methods -

Saving it onto normal place...
Saving it where it should be...

I made sure to change the names so that the other one wouldn't get deleted (automatically)...
since the .exe file is named
Little Fighter 2
for both versions
It doesn't matter if you change their names...
just where their "Target Location" is... (It's found under Properties/Shortcut)
How do I get back LF2 v.2.0???

Is it because your still uploading the stuff onto the web?
Idk, how is that supposed to change the stuff on my desktop...
It even affected the rest of the users on my computer... (so my brother can't play it)
Now all I have is LF2 v.1.9

I also tried downloading it off the web onto my computer instinctively,
when that didn't work I did it my way... I don't understand?

RE: Problems playing (LF2 v.2.0) - The Lost Global Mod - 01-29-2009

have you tried that out ?
click me

or did you do that already? please be a little bit more specific.

RE: Problems playing (LF2 v.2.0) - KaywonnJuto - 01-29-2009

Didn't see this thread thanks...
It's exactly the problem ty... ;)

RE: Problems playing (LF2 v.2.0) - MH-Razen - 01-29-2009

solved and moved to lf2 discussion, have nothing to do with lfe website :p

RE: Problems playing (LF2 v.2.0) - superliang - 03-16-2010

i have the same problem with the one who had been banned but only in my computer not my laptop