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Who are you??? [Confused? Check it out :3] - KaywonnJuto - 03-07-2009

Here is something I found on Facebook...
Thought it would be nice to share it with you guys... :D
Basically, since you obviously can't tag each other,
(like you would normally do on facebook...rolleyes )
Just pick one of the bellow pictures that you think you are
(from either forums or from real life)
You can also say which user you think they are on your post... :)
(please don't judge noobs in these fourms :P)
Real Life: I think I'm more of the creative nap lover :D
Forums: the gangster :) juskidin i love sleep, sleep is my thing.... snore*

[Image: 2642_1056338142894_1659061619_148067_5627381_n.jpg]

RE: Who are you??? [Confused? Check it out :3] - Alblaka - 03-07-2009

Hehehe... Nice pics... i would take the smart one, i guess ^^ But missunderstood would fit well, too

RE: Who are you??? [Confused? Check it out :3] - Azriel - 03-07-2009

just coz i'm bored

real life: the one that won't take your crap (hate smalltalk)
forums: smart/saviour


RE: Who are you??? [Confused? Check it out :3] - sadbhav - 03-07-2009


Real Life: Quite, Misunderstood, Awkward one -.-''

Forums: Confused one

Soo...yeah I am not a really likeable type...

@Magnamancy: General Remark? **raises eyebrow**

RE: Who are you??? [Confused? Check it out :3] - Magnamancy - 03-07-2009

lulz. That picture is teh awesomness^^

I havn't seen this before, save individual pictures,
but I only recently 'got into' facebook:p


Real Life: The creative one, the smart one, the smitten one,
the referee, and some more (lol I fit into lots of 'em, =P)

Forums: I don't change:)

General (As in: everyone can take this into account=P) remark:
Everyone's likeable when people get to know them.


RE: Who are you??? [Confused? Check it out :3] - The Lost Global Mod - 03-07-2009

real life: either creative one and the singer would fit.
forums: either the quite one or the dramatic :D

RE: Who are you??? [Confused? Check it out :3] - Yakui - 03-07-2009

I don't think I can categorize myself with this >:

RE: Who are you??? [Confused? Check it out :3] - Simoneon - 03-07-2009

the loud one and the arrogant one!!!

(see- i can speek loudly) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

RE: Who are you??? [Confused? Check it out :3] - Evil Sonidow - 03-07-2009

The intense, the smart, the evil mastermind, the one that won't take your crap, the not so innocent one and perhaps the arrogant.

RE: Who are you??? [Confused? Check it out :3] - KaywonnJuto - 03-07-2009

I'd like to see the one who's the tech illiterate :D LOL
no lies on this one...