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[solved] Rescourse Hacker jacked up? - Printable Version

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[solved] Rescourse Hacker jacked up? - SupaKirb - 06-16-2009

Hey guys Ive got a question for you has recourse hacker ever messed up your lf2 file? It always happens to me especially when i change the character select bg to my own personal skin... maybe i have a old version of RH anyone got any tips? Oh and yes this is v 1.9

RE: Rescourse Hacker jacked up? - Boop - 06-16-2009

Used to happen quite often to me, it usually happened after:

Modified the sprites and saved the exe.
Replaced more sprites and saved the exe again.

On the 2nd or 3rd time of doing this, the exe would be corrupt. To fix this I re-opened the exe every time after I saved :p. I also kept plenty of back-ups just incase :D.

RE: Rescourse Hacker jacked up? - SupaKirb - 06-16-2009

Lol good its not just me then... I figured I would have to do something like that...crap well thanks alot Silva now I know what i gotta do. Gonna add a thanks to your profile ^^.

RE: Rescourse Hacker jacked up? - 3rdEnemy - 06-16-2009

Is this in the wron topic? If this is solved press the button. I had the same problem and I found that silva's solution is the easyest.

RE: Rescourse Hacker jacked up? - JossuaDC - 06-17-2009

I encountered the same problem in the process of creating Comet.
Very annoying... Having to re-insert all of your bitmaps into a backed-up .exe D:

As long as you still have the original bitmaps, your modified bitmaps and a back-up of the original .exe, you'll be fine.
It's not a major burden; it's just annoying ;)

RE: Rescourse Hacker jacked up? - prince_freeza - 06-17-2009

well this always happens to me:
when i open a new lf2.exe file and modifie him and save..evey thing goes cool..but if i open it a second some times third time and modifie again and then open lf2 it sais: couldnt create art suface "slogan....." some thing like that..