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Transparent Background for Text - Boop - 07-21-2009

[Image: transparenttext.jpg]

Being, bored + seeing how the NTSD skin(yes I follow the progress, because it is the only mod which is making progress) is getting ruined by non transparent text, I decided to make this :).

hDC dd ?

draw_text proc
var_4           = dword ptr -4
lpString        = dword ptr  4
arg_4           = dword ptr  8
arg_8           = dword ptr  0Ch
arg_C           = dword ptr  10h

                push    esi
                mov     esi, [esp+4+lpString]
                mov     eax, [esi]
                mov     edx, [eax+44h]
                push    edi
                lea     ecx, [esp+8+lpString]
                push    ecx
                push    esi
                call    edx   ;Magic Call #1
                mov     edi, eax
                test    edi, edi
                jl      short loc_4012FC
                mov     eax, [esp+0Ch+arg_4]
                mov     ecx, [esp+0Ch]
                push    ebx
                push    TRANSPARENT             ; mode
                push    ecx             ; HDC
                mov        hDC, ecx
                call    ds:SetBkMode
                mov     edx, [esp+10h+arg_8]
                mov     eax, [esp+10h]
                push    edx             ; COLORREF
                push    eax             ; HDC
                call    ds:SetTextColor
                mov     ebx, [esp+10h+lpString]
                push    ebx             ; lpString
                call    ds:lstrlenA
                mov     ecx, [esp+24h]
                mov     edx, [esp+10h+arg_C]
                push    eax             ; int
                mov     eax, [esp+14h]
                push    ebx             ; LPCSTR
                push    ecx             ; int
                push    edx             ; int
                push    eax             ; HDC
                call    ds:TextOutA
                mov     edx, [esp+10h]
                mov     ecx, [esi]
                mov     eax, [ecx+68h]
                push    edx
                push    esi
                call    eax    ; Magic Call 2
                mov     eax, edi
                pop     ebx

loc_4012FC:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_401290+17j
                pop     edi
                pop     esi


draw_text endp

in rarara.asm, add(at the top bit, you should be able to figure it out) :
include \masm32\include\
includelib \masm32\lib\gdi32.lib

Now there are two ways of using this. Patching every line of text that you want to be transparent (useful if you want the majority of your text to still have a background) or completely replacing the real function with your one.

;makes the background of the first line in the credits transparent
invoke CallPatch,004272C2h, addr draw_text

;i haven't tested this, should make all text transparent
invoke JmpPatch,00401290h, addr draw_text


RE: Transparent Background for Text - naruto hyuuga - 07-21-2009

thats awesome
you found how to make text bmps (in the exe) in to pngs (trasparency)

if you can do this getting 2.0 to load pngs shouldn't be tough

RE: Transparent Background for Text - Boop - 07-21-2009

[Image: whatimean.jpg]

That is what I'm talking about(the blue background around the letters). Those little things really annoy me :). Nothing to do with bmps, pngs, transparency or anything really.

RE: Transparent Background for Text - naruto hyuuga - 07-21-2009

i noe
that blue background

its like when lf2 types the letters it's pasting the letters with a blue background together

so you can say they are bmps - a.bmp b.bmp c.bmp d.bmp e.bmp etc

so you like changed it to pngs - a.png b.png c.png d.png e.png etc

so its the same pic but with transparency
(atleast my logic)

i wonder if you can get 2.0 to load pngs (it will help ntsd2 (they needed alpha transparency before))

RE: Transparent Background for Text - TheNave - 07-21-2009

naruto, you have absolutely no clue how that works and are talking random wrong sh*t... that stuff is all we need, thanks alot silva^^

RE: Transparent Background for Text - naruto hyuuga - 07-22-2009

not working for me 0.o

i put the .code part in's .code part
and .data part in's .data part
and the
hDC dd ?
draw_text proc
var_4           = dword ptr -4
lpString        = dword ptr  4
arg_4           = dword ptr  8
arg_8           = dword ptr  0Ch
arg_C           = dword ptr  10h
                push    esi
                mov     esi, [esp+4+lpString]
                mov     eax, [esi]
                mov     edx, [eax+44h]
                push    edi
                lea     ecx, [esp+8+lpString]
                push    ecx
                push    esi
                call    edx   ;Magic Call #1
                mov     edi, eax
                test    edi, edi
                jl      short loc_4012FC
                mov     eax, [esp+0Ch+arg_4]
                mov     ecx, [esp+0Ch]
                push    ebx
                push    TRANSPARENT             ; mode
                push    ecx             ; HDC
                mov        hDC, ecx
                call    ds:SetBkMode
                mov     edx, [esp+10h+arg_8]
                mov     eax, [esp+10h]
                push    edx             ; COLORREF
                push    eax             ; HDC
                call    ds:SetTextColor
                mov     ebx, [esp+10h+lpString]
                push    ebx             ; lpString
                call    ds:lstrlenA
                mov     ecx, [esp+24h]
                mov     edx, [esp+10h+arg_C]
                push    eax             ; int
                mov     eax, [esp+14h]
                push    ebx             ; LPCSTR
                push    ecx             ; int
                push    edx             ; int
                push    eax             ; HDC
                call    ds:TextOutA
                mov     edx, [esp+10h]
                mov     ecx, [esi]
                mov     eax, [ecx+68h]
                push    edx
                push    esi
                call    eax    ; Magic Call 2
                mov     eax, edi
                pop     ebx
loc_4012FC:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_401290+17j
                pop     edi
                pop     esi
draw_text endp

and this
include \masm32\include\
includelib \masm32\lib\gdi32.lib
in rarara. asm top part (they were toghether)

and these

;makes the background of the first line in the credits transparent
invoke CallPatch,004272C2h, addr draw_text

;i haven't tested this, should make all text transparent
invoke JmpPatch,00401290h, addr draw_text

tried both not working

RE: Transparent Background for Text - Boop - 07-22-2009

Works fine for: me, Nave, 1477. What doesn't work? You can't assemble the dll? If so what error do you get.

Doesn't work in game? Are you sure you are using the correct exe?

Kind of hard to help you, when all you say is "its not working"

RE: Transparent Background for Text - naruto hyuuga - 07-22-2009

i used the newest exe to load the dll when i build it doesn't work

am i suppose to modify the "?"
in hDC dd ? because i didn't and its not working

i.e not making background transparent

RE: Transparent Background for Text - Boop - 07-22-2009

(07-22-2009, 12:53 PM)naruto hyuuga Wrote:  i used the newest exe to load the dll when i build it doesn't work

am i suppose to modify the "?"
in hDC dd ? because i didn't and its not working

i.e not making background transparent


; Based on Masm32 Dll Plugin Example for Damnation by Drakken
; Modified for LF2 by Silva
; Contributions by: genevrier

.Model Flat, StdCall

include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
includelib \masm32\lib\masm32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\gdi32.lib



DllEntryPoint proc hInstDLL:DWORD, reason:DWORD, unused:DWORD

    mov eax,reason
    .if eax == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH                                            ; Called when our dll loaded
        call DLLStartup                                                        ; Memory patches and jmp patches
        .elseif reason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH
        push NULL
        call PostQuitMessage


DllEntryPoint endp

DLLStartup proc

; Here you can put the patches you want to use when the dll loads
; Also you should put all your jump patches here

invoke JmpPatch,00401290h, addr draw_text

DLLStartup endp

End DllEntryPoint
hDC dd ?

draw_text proc

var_4           = dword ptr -4
lpString        = dword ptr  4
arg_4           = dword ptr  8
arg_8           = dword ptr  0Ch
arg_C           = dword ptr  10h

                push    esi
                mov     esi, [esp+4+lpString]
                mov     eax, [esi]
                mov     edx, [eax+44h]
                push    edi
                lea     ecx, [esp+8+lpString]
                push    ecx
                push    esi
                call    edx   ;Magic Call #1
                mov     edi, eax
                test    edi, edi
                jl      short loc_4012FC
                mov     eax, [esp+0Ch+arg_4]
                mov     ecx, [esp+0Ch]
                push    ebx
                push    TRANSPARENT             ; mode
                push    ecx             ; HDC
                mov        hDC, ecx
                call    ds:SetBkMode
                mov     edx, [esp+10h+arg_8]
                mov     eax, [esp+10h]
                push    edx             ; COLORREF
                push    eax             ; HDC
                call    ds:SetTextColor
                mov     ebx, [esp+10h+lpString]
                push    ebx             ; lpString
                call    ds:lstrlenA
                mov     ecx, [esp+24h]
                mov     edx, [esp+10h+arg_C]
                push    eax             ; int
                mov     eax, [esp+14h]
                push    ebx             ; LPCSTR
                push    ecx             ; int
                push    edx             ; int
                push    eax             ; HDC
                call    ds:TextOutA
                mov     edx, [esp+10h]
                mov     ecx, [esi]
                mov     eax, [ecx+68h]

                push    edx
                push    esi
                call    eax    ; Magic Call 2
                mov     eax, edi
                pop     ebx

loc_4012FC:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_401290+17j
                pop     edi
                pop     esi


draw_text endp

I've also attached the compiled dll, which I tested with the new exe, and it works perfectly. If you still can't get it to work, just give up.

RE: Transparent Background for Text - Ramond - 07-22-2009

naruto you're supposed to describe your problem (ie what exactly happens/doesn't work).