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[solved] I have read the tutorial but i still dont really understand - Printable Version

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[solved] I have read the tutorial but i still dont really understand - Assassinbeast - 09-12-2009

I have read this tutorial and i tried everything i got

But i still dont understand the 3rd step :(

I have made a stickman sprite, and the way i did it was just to copy the template sprite just fast for understanding how to make a fast new character so i have all the frames when it must walk etc... i have also made a head to it when i must choose the character.

Then i have copied the template data and made a new data called stickman. Then i have just edited the name of the template and the frames like shown here


name: Template
head: sprite\template1\face.bmp
small: sprite\template1\s.bmp
file(0-69): sprite\template1\0.bmp w: 79 h: 79 row: 10 col: 7
file(70-139): sprite\template1\1.bmp w: 79 h: 79 row: 10 col: 7


name: Stickman
head: sprite\sys\stickman_face.bmp
small: sprite\sys\stickman_small.bmp
file(0-69): sprite\sys\stickman1.bmp w: 79 h: 79 row: 10 col: 7
file(70-139): sprite\sys\stickman2.bmp w: 79 h: 79 row: 10 col: 7

Thats the only thing i edited because i guess i dont really need to edit anything else. I have try to get my stickman in the character selection but it dosent really work for me :P But i could also just change the character instead for making a whole new one but its not so fun if theres some original character missing

So... i have probably done something terrible wrong or missing some things i need to do.

Please help me!!! THANKS!

RE: I have read the tutorial but i still dont really understand - Reaper - 09-12-2009

Ah ok, the problem is that custom character installation means: How do I install a character I downloaded?
When you download a char there is a readme, with some lines like they are mentioned in the tut:
id: ?? type: ? file:data\???.dat
id: ??? type: ? file:data\???.dat

id: ?? Is for the character. In data.txt there is defined which characters LF2 should search for. So if you write for example:
id: 80 type: 0 file:data\stickman.dat
behind the lines for the characters, the programm searches for a data called stickman.dat. If you don't, it just doesn't notice that you did a character.
id: ??? is for attacks that need an own data btw, like dennis_ball.dat or something. But as template hasn't got any attacks you don't need that one.

RE: I have read the tutorial but i still dont really understand - HappyHouR - 09-12-2009

(09-12-2009, 05:28 PM)Assassinbeast Wrote:  I have read this tutorial and i tried everything i got

But i still dont understand the 3rd step :(

Thats the only thing i edited because i guess i dont really need to edit anything else. I have try to get my stickman in the character selection but it dosent really work for me :P But i could also just change the character instead for making a whole new one but its not so fun if theres some original character missing

So... i have probably done something terrible wrong or missing some things i need to do.

Please help me!!! THANKS!

when you make or just add a data file =(weapon/character/ball) you got add it to your data.txt file.If you wont do that you wont see that character/ball/weapon you have added. Go to your data folder(LittleFighter2\data) in lf2 folder and search for text file named data. Open it and add the lines of the data file you need to add .


bla is data file you made . You open that data text file in the data folder

and add id: x type: 0 file: data\stickman.dat take a look at spoiler below.

x= id number .For Example id 11 (11 = davis ai) .You could put the number to your liking(notice id: 100~199 drop weapon s dont use those ids unless you like characters to fall from the sky).Just take a note not to use id that already being used. That could mess up your stage mod .By that I mean that character with that id(yours if it top id) will appear in stage mod.

Course there is way to use the same id Lots of times without having your character appearing in stage mod.

The top id 52 will appear when you play at stage or spawn it using opoint.Just dont try it with the other things like balls/weapons/etc ok? (lots of people like that armor class thing)

Dam reaper you Ninjaed me =/= !

RE: I have read the tutorial but i still dont really understand - Assassinbeast - 09-12-2009

Cool!!! :D Thanks to you both who reply to me :D it worked and i did never believe that i could come so far to make a custom character from the beginning xD i had no clue wtf all that was.
