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LFE Forums Novelties - Smilies - Printable Version

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LFE Forums Novelties - Smilies - Silverthorn - 02-28-2010

This thread is to let you post your own smilies. If they are good enough (as in: MH and/or I say that they're cool), they will be added to the smilies-database.

• general smiley-size: 15x15px (only in certain cases, different sizes will be accepted)
• file-format: GIF or PNG. The background MUST BE transparent!
• animations are allowed
• suggest a smiley-code (a text that the smiley shall replace). For "special" smilies, use something similar to :yourtexthere:

And now, slam me with your creations! :)

Current submissions:

RE: LFE Forums Novelties - Smilies - Bamboori - 02-28-2010

regardless which style?

RE: LFE Forums Novelties - Smilies - Simoneon - 02-28-2010

New ofc :)

RE: LFE Forums Novelties - Smilies - Bamboori - 02-28-2010

little preview:
[Image: bh3brnhny6bs7ulqk.gif]
[Image: bh3brxdimn9n0ef7w.gif]
[Image: bh3bs3gcyqej2ajrg.gif]
[Image: bh3bs8m3xdwao3los.gif]
[Image: bh3bsds42ji7po7f0.gif]
[Image: bh3bskdsxh7l9zu6k.gif]

is that style ok?
or would you prefer lf1 style like on the official forums?

@below: like this? [Image: bh3bxlpglyhkv4u4s.gif]

@edit: noooo i fail @3d x_x

RE: LFE Forums Novelties - Smilies - Silverthorn - 02-28-2010

(02-28-2010, 04:30 PM)Bamboori Wrote:  is that style ok?
or would you prefer lf1 style like on the official forums?
Technically, you can pick any color you want. I grant you that much freedom ;)
About the style: it's fine, but it'd be even better if the shading was a little more pronounced.

RE: LFE Forums Novelties - Smilies - The Lost Global Mod - 02-28-2010

[Image: catsmiley1.gif]
[Image: catsmiley2.gif]
[Image: catsmiley3.gif]
[Image: catsmiley4.gif]
[Image: catsmiley5.gif]

credits go to bamboori for the base of the smiley :p (hope you are okay with it)
IT'S A DOG! - Simoneon
purple dog or cat does it even matter? =P ~ Phil
I thought you were cat, and that dogs and cats aren't geting along very well.
Oh wells - Simoneon

oh dear, I am a cat just the smiley looks wrong.. w/e btw cats and dogs can get along! ~ Phil

RE: LFE Forums Novelties - Smilies - Silverthorn - 02-28-2010

(02-28-2010, 04:59 PM)Phil Wrote:  IT'S A DOG! - Simoneon
That's what I saw, too :P

Oh, btw, forgot to mention, it'd be good if you could also suggest a smiley-code for your creations.

RE: LFE Forums Novelties - Smilies - Simoneon - 02-28-2010

Dear dudes and dudettes, as been mentioned I wanted to repeat. Please stick to the new style we got here. You can easily describe it by saying a word 'modern'. So keep your smilies as much modern as you can, if you can.
Because, really. I really doubt BluePhoenix would choose someone if he won't do modern ones.


RE: LFE Forums Novelties - Smilies - The Lost Global Mod - 02-28-2010

show some examples then.. really just saying modern style doesn't help.. what is modern smiley-wise?
Hahaaaa, I thought some smarter guy than me will say that.
And no, I won't show you. I'll keep them for my self d: - Simoneon

RE: LFE Forums Novelties - Smilies - Ascor - 02-28-2010

Feel Free to use this :P

[Image: lol.gif]
