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Translate me! - Simoneon - 03-01-2010

The main idea is to write, at any language you want, a sentence, and other guy below tries to translate it with his own knowledge.

"Il dit merci a Roudoudou et met vite les patins."
''I will do it, merci a round doo-doo at meat, vital less pants."

Jis sakė ačiū Lollipop ir greitai daro nuožulnaus!
This sack acid. Lollipop is greatest dario Nuzzlenaus!

Welcher Film hat dir am besten gefallen?
Well, chair-film-hat deer... uhm... busted guffleoaut?


How to successfully be funny in this thread:
  1. Look at the sentence the above user gives you.
  2. Translate it incorrectly. Meaning that you should translate the "sound" of the sentence into English.
    1. Example: "Fernseher" turns into "Fair 'n sayer"
      Worst case: "Fernseher" turns into "Television" x

Another tweaky update: you can use this to help you -

RE: Translate me! - Lauli - 03-01-2010

Vienna car, to this zoo-thinker. Save, oh Sena! Drag a Boob us sliding yeti. Jie. K-lie, ow jar! Ow ecstasy, I K-nuzz.

Dieses Spiel ist derbst fresh!

RE: Translate me! - Simoneon - 03-01-2010

Diesel spellest durp fresh!

Paima už rankos ir abu draugai pradeda lėtai vaikščioti. D:

RE: Translate me! - Lauli - 03-01-2010

Palm ma! Us rank, us iraboo drug guy, pre-died da letter. Why scotch. D:

Wenn mir langweilig ist, spiele ich auf der Gitarre.

RE: Translate me! - Simoneon - 03-01-2010

VIENNA MIERD!!! Lang, will dis especially dish-off deer Goitarre.

Une course dans la neige

RE: Translate me! - Divisor - 03-01-2010

One course gives the neige.

Moja mama je zmagala super-veleslalom.

RE: Translate me! - Simoneon - 03-01-2010

Mojo yo! Mama, yea, small gala super-velosopeda.

Su jomis labai linksma slidinėt.

RE: Translate me! - Divisor - 03-01-2010

On the jomis(?) lies linked slidenet.

Ptiča bi lahko pojedla mačka.

RE: Translate me! - Lauli - 03-01-2010

Picture by Lako. Poker DNA maker.

Dieses Museum ist nicht besonders aufregend.

RE: Translate me! - Simoneon - 03-01-2010


Il y a deja beaucoup de colline. d: