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International Tragedy: death of Polish President - SirisRhazael - 04-10-2010

Polish President Lech Kaczynski 'in plane crash'

[Image: wp_zel_jaroslaw_kaczynski_550jpeg-large.jpg]

A plane carrying Polish President Lech Kaczynski has crashed near a Russian airport, officials say.

Russian media reported that 87 people were killed in the crash near Smolensk, and a regional governor was quoted as saying there were no survivors.

Polish officials said Mr Kaczynski was on board along with his wife Maria and several senior government figures.

They were in Russia to mark the 70th anniversary of the Katyn massacre, when Soviets killed thousands of Poles.

The Russian emergencies ministry told Itar-Tass news agency the plane crashed at 1056 Moscow time (0656 GMT).

Ministry spokeswoman Irina Andrianova said it had been flying from Moscow to Smolensk, but had no details on the identities of those killed.

Smolensk regional governor Sergei Antufiev told Russian TV that no-one had survived.

"As it was preparing for landing, the Polish president's aircraft did not make it to the landing strip," he said.

"According to preliminary reports, it got caught up in the tops of trees, fell to the ground and broke up into pieces. There are no survivors in that crash.

"We are clarifying how many people there were in the [Polish] delegation. According to preliminary reports, 85 members of the delegation and the crew."

The Polish Foreign Ministry said the president and his wife were aboard the plane.

Central bank governor Slawomir Skrzypek was also said to have been on board.

The question is, what are we going to do?

RE: International Tragedy: death of Polish President - prince_freeza - 04-10-2010

yeah its all over the news in our country...
but this doesnt seem like a coincidence in here... i mean a plane suddenly crashes out of no where...

(04-10-2010, 08:28 AM)Moer12 Wrote:  The question is, what are we going to do?

i dont think you can do much in here...

RE: International Tragedy: death of Polish President - SirisRhazael - 04-10-2010

It was a rhetorical question...
And why not to post it here? In off-topic section?
Also, it's a turning point in European history...

RE: International Tragedy: death of Polish President - Alblaka - 04-10-2010

(04-10-2010, 12:45 PM)Moer12 Wrote:  Also, it's a turning point in European history...

It is?
It's "just" a high politican from an european country who died by accident... Sure, there will be some ruccus about it, but it isn't really a turning point or something.

BESIDES there would be found evidence about russia caused the crash... that could surely be a turning point ^^'

RE: International Tragedy: death of Polish President - dubbleD - 04-10-2010

the highest in its country.
it seems really fishy though
the report says that polands president and family were going to russia for the anniversary of the russian massacre of polish people, the katyn massacre.
death of polish people involving russia. but im not pointing any fingers. no survivors of 87 people
im just saying what i think. if youre upset about what i've said, please let me know and i'll change it.

and whats strange is that as a president, im sure they would have considered a top quality flight with security.

but as my piano teacher is polish, a number of friends polish and have been to a polish community, i pay my respects to those who have passed away in this tragic accident

RE: International Tragedy: death of Polish President - SirisRhazael - 04-10-2010

10th april 2010- 70th anniversary of Katyn masacre

Also, it's just sad - in one day the most important people in country die within some minutes... REAL sad.

RE: International Tragedy: death of Polish President - Elias - 04-10-2010

It will be not a big shok if Ruusians have done it because they don't like Polish president.
Well for ne this doesn't have a big inpact but yes most users live in Euorpe so this is important and I am a Ukrainen so this event is a negative for me.

P.S. Its hard to type on iPhone

RE: International Tragedy: death of Polish President - Silverthorn - 04-10-2010

(04-10-2010, 03:29 PM)Elias Wrote:  @Albaka:
It will be not a big shok if Ruusians have done it because they don't like Polish president.
There is a big difference between "not liking" and "assassinating" on a diplomatic level. Poland has tied itself to western world views, thus creating a natural distance to Russia. In case it is proven that Russia (intentionally) shot down this airplane, the aftermath could reach quite enormous dimensions.

Nevertheless, I highly doubt that this was a planned attack. If the KGB was after Kaczynski, they would have assassinated him only -- not that many others. That is at least my point of view.

It is indeed a saddening event, that, in order to commemorate the lives lost 70 years ago, it had to end up this way. Definitely, today is a special day, a day which itself will be commemorated in future years. Nevertheless, to put it like Freddy Mercury once said: show must go on. Even though Poland has lost some of their highest politicians, it will not rush into anarchy or something similar. Regardless of this, I wish you, Moer12, as well as your country the best for the future.

RE: International Tragedy: death of Polish President - dixon - 04-10-2010

Quote:and whats strange is that as a president, im sure they would have considered a top quality flight with security.

The reason that plane crashed is actually that "top quality flight". Pilot was told not to land on airport he was landing at because of foggy weather, however he did and a catastrophe is up.