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Adobe After Effects - Printable Version

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Adobe After Effects - Marshall - 07-11-2010

Just want to know anyone here familiar with the software? If yes, please prepare to get bombed by loads of neophyte questions.

RE: Adobe After Effects - TheNave - 07-11-2010

I have it, I have it, using it for special effects and stuff, aaaand yeah, I'm not so pro at using it but I do still know some little tricks and stuff

yeesh, it's not like I posted a link or smthin'...

RE: Adobe After Effects - hell fightter - 07-11-2010

i have it to! i have whole creative suit from adobe.... buty uses only flash and [hotoshhop... i know only those ones a little.. but yewah itll be nice to know how to use other programs that wasting my space :P so if ou dont mind sensei...

RE: Adobe After Effects - Siegvar - 07-12-2010

I do use it occasionally, but only the most basic of functions, and I can never remember anything offhand. usually have to half-blindly grope about the menu while I'm using before I remember how to do what needs to be done. lol.