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How can I add moving sprites to my signature? - Printable Version

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How can I add moving sprites to my signature? - LF-Buddy - 07-30-2010

How can I add moving sprites to my signature??
Please someone tell me. Shock

RE: How can I add moving sprites to my signature? - LutiChris - 07-30-2010

make it into a .gif
all you need to do is create layers, do a time sequence for each frame
then add .gif at the end of the file name....
this however does not work for all programs such as paint.

first off what program do you use?

(v) thanks i was just about to look for tht ;D

RE: How can I add moving sprites to my signature? - Jernemies - 07-30-2010

>>Animate w/GIMP<<
>>Movie -> GIF<<
's that enough?

@up: yeh're welcome ;D