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[Char] Maple - Printable Version

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Maple - MnM - 04-06-2011

Hey guys! If u (still ) Dont know who i am , Its me firzenx. I have decided to work upon a char. I am currently using bat as a base , since this guy has limited number of basics (lol ) . Since it is going to be my first char, its kinda basic. After the beta version , more number of details would be added in later versions ( Hoping so cause , next year i gonna be kinda tight in my schedules.. ) . My Char partner is ~Dome~ ( Kinda Awesome ^_^ ) . I am very much thankful to him cause he has accepted to code for my char.

Face Picture :
[Image: maple_f.png]By Prince_freeza ^_^ . Thanks a lot freeza!

[b][u]Walking ( Hands swinging to be added )~

[Image: bsecwheyeqljfbt0h.png]
Running (Hands need be fixed)~
[Image: bsecvu2yms5shp481.png]
Punching (Kinda Ok-ish) ~
[Image: bsecmpusvnjqt9ti9.png]
Sit Then Jump (lol)~
[Image: bsgglwcs4nf9y471d.png]
1[Image: bsgn0myl5msbc9swx.png]
2[Image: bsiit64e3fcg5xm01.png]

injury frames (Click to View)
Obj walk and throw
[Image: bsk042npowy143kip.png]
[Image: bski9e8ufrq9y1tpd.png]

I will do a move a day. So the progress is kinda slow :( . C&C definitely needed..

RE: Maple - dubbleD - 04-06-2011

even though its based off bat, it looks polished and clean. the head looks really good
so far, just keep up with what youre doing because i reckon youre on the right track

RE: Maple - oliveryungo - 04-06-2011

On the last punching frame, his arm looks bent upwards and looks weird
the sprites are fine, except it looks a bit bland as of now, maybe some future touch to it will make it less so, i don't know, maybe some robe, slight armor or whatever
any moves planned?

RE: Maple - Sonic Boom - 04-06-2011

He Can Look Better With and Cool Cape.
Just A Suggestion:O

RE: [char]Maple - MnM - 04-08-2011

Did this today. I went crazy. I sprited everything ( No C and P 'cept the first two. ) . Dunno why there are two of each frame. Needs some advise Lol..

[Image: bsgglwcs4nf9y471d.png]

RE: [char]Maple - prince_freeza - 04-08-2011

yea some sprites are repeated sometimes (with a minor change in a leg,hand..) but i rather sprite each frame again than modifying.

good job on the sprites btw. Oh and i recko you do the injury frames before anything else cuz they can be a majos pain and if u leave them for last ur get lazy and loose interest :( like me.

RE: [char]Maple - MnM - 04-08-2011

[Image: bsgn0myl5msbc9swx.png]

Did the 1st injury frame i could spot. Come on, where have gone all those momentum?

Edit: U could still see the opacityed bat behind sorry..

RE: [char]Maple - Alectric - 04-08-2011

(04-08-2011, 05:56 AM)Men'Mine Wrote:  Did this today. I went crazy. I sprited everything ( No C and P 'cept the first two. ) . Dunno why there are two of each frame. Needs some advise Lol..

[Image: bsgglwcs4nf9y471d.png]

Its hard to see, but there is a difference in each of the frames.

Here is Davis's crouch frames played after one another:
[Image: uNi1t.gif]

On the second frame, he crouches lower.
As for the jumping frames, the first sprite is for upwards jumping (> J)
and the second frame is for dashing (>> J)

important to get them right, or he make look weird in game :P
(or he may not, it might look alright/hilarious)

RE: [char]Maple - bashscrazy - 04-08-2011

Lol you did the falling frames not the injury frames.
Anyways good progress ;)

@Alectric - I doubt it would be too noticeable in game considering how small of a change it is in comparison to the speed lol

RE: [char]Maple - MnM - 04-08-2011

I think alec will be right. He gives out pressure in the form of chi to his legs to gather power and then jump. Not to offend u bash..

Anyways here i think i spotted the right injury frame :P

[Image: bsgyc58e3lhc0p19d.png]

Did the injury frames 2 :

[Image: bshlcxs3s7cfawwip.png]

the first frame looks really weird..