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[solved] different stage lock - Printable Version

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[solved] different stage lock - dubbleD - 06-25-2011

I was recently playing around with the idea of making a mod and considered my own way of making a stage mode character lock
i actually havent bothered to take a detailed look into MH's version.
but heres what ive achieved/thought of far:
-only allowing specific characters to play stage mode
-limiting number of players in a stage thus allowing a bit of multiplayer
-[Optional] allowing increased difficulty/increased enemies at the expense of seeing an ally corpse for the entire duration of your stage

problem: you will actually see the stage lock working. but that doesnt fuss me. it works anyway =P

so in my situation, i had 4 newly modded characters on top of the original lf2 characters (unmodded) and what nots.
the stage lock works like this:
i.e. you have 2 modded characters and 1 original character
1. beginning of stage, two objects are spawned that will wait until the players are not blinking/invulnerable anymore. (note: i used a third type 0 object as a timer so enemies wouldnt spawn and get affected)
2. then, precisely timed, the first ball with an itr with a high y value and -500 injury hits all modded characters (which have a body of equal y value)
3. then the second ball with a normal y value at the ground and 500 injury hits all players.
4. as a result, the allowed characters remain the same while the banned characters die...on the spot

so im just basically playing with the characters hp to get what i want. this of course means that i am able to copy and paste this idea into a fresh new lf2 without too many modded files. but of course also means that due to the lack of moddifying of unwanted characters, i am unable to stop the stage going on when there is a mix of modded/unmodded characters.

for limiting the number of characters youre allowed in stage mode, thats easy. you go into your stage.dat file with a bit of maths, you set the ratio per character you want. so if you want to have 3 characters, you have to work out when theres more than 3 characters, simply 4, what multiplies with to equal one. so 4x0.25=1. so you have a ball that will kill all characters spawned with that decimal ratio.

also, in the instance where you wish to create an entire black screen with dialogues and text, it helps to mask the undesired visual effects. but if youre very picky, the go to mainsite and use MH's method

now anyone with a bright mind may proceed to burn me to shreds if you think there is a problem

RE: different stage lock - dubbleD - 06-27-2011

no takers?


what happened to the good old days...

EDIT: it occurred to me that this could possibly be bit advanced so if there are any dc acquainted mods around, feel free to pop this in the advanced section if need be

RE: different stage lock - Boop - 06-27-2011

I don't see a question or a proof of concept? Just random ramblings really... I assume you've already implemented it and it works, so what more do you want?

Most people who make stage mods usually release it as part of a mod since most of the time it requires editing the characters, in which case it's possible to hex a (near) perfect implementation of this.

RE: different stage lock - dubbleD - 06-28-2011

ah, thanks for pointing that out

well i was just hoping that if someone saw something like a problem, they could point it out to me, but there doesnt seem to be any, most likely because ive not asked

i wish to express that one of my personal goals in this version of stage lock is to be purely data based and require minimal modification to as little amount of characters are possible. that way, it is almost as easy to install and play with as it is to remove, due to the fact that no hex is required entirely. though i believe mh may have achieved a better one than me =P
oh well

EDIT: there appears to be a lack of mods in dc section. or the mod has high standards