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Armour Effect of ID - Printable Version

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Armour Effect of ID - xxtomnyxx - 07-25-2008

I found where causes ids have Armour Effect.

0042CCE6 |. 8B87 F4060000 |mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edi+6F4]
0042CCEC |. 83F8 25 |cmp eax,25←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←id 37, Knight
0042CCEF |. 894424 30 |mov dword ptr ss:[esp+30],eax
0042CCF3 |. 75 61 |jnz short lf2.0042CD56
0042CCF5 |. 83BE B8000000 0F |cmp dword ptr ds:[esi+B8],0F←←←←←←bdefend restore speed
0042CCFC |. 7F 58 |jg short lf2.0042CD56
0042CCFE |. 8B4C24 10 |mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
0042CD02 |. B8 67666666 |mov eax,66666667
0042CD07 |. 8B49 2C |mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[ecx+2C]
0042CD0A |. F7E9 |imul ecx
0042CD0C |. C1FA 02 |sar edx,2
0042CD0F |. 8BC2 |mov eax,edx
0042CD11 |. C1E8 1F |shr eax,1F
0042CD14 |. 03D0 |add edx,eax
0042CD16 |. 83FA 02 |cmp edx,2
0042CD19 |. 74 33 |je short lf2.0042CD4E
0042CD1B |. 83FA 03 |cmp edx,3
0042CD1E |. 74 2E |je short lf2.0042CD4E
0042CD20 |. 83F9 02 |cmp ecx,2
0042CD23 |. 74 29 |je short lf2.0042CD4E
0042CD25 |. 83F9 03 |cmp ecx,3
0042CD28 |. 74 24 |je short lf2.0042CD4E
0042CD2A |. 8B4C24 0C |mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]
0042CD2E |. 8B11 |mov edx,dword ptr ds:[ecx]
0042CD30 |. 8B82 68030000 |mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edx+368]
0042CD36 |. 8B80 F4060000 |mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+6F4]
0042CD3C |. 3D D6000000 |cmp eax,0D6←←←←←←←←←←←←←←which id's attack can't be withstood
0042CD41 |. 74 0B |je short lf2.0042CD4E
0042CD43 |. 3D D0000000 |cmp eax,0D0←←←←←←←←←←←←←←which id's attack can't be withstood
0042CD48 |. 0F85 49130000 |jnz lf2.0042E097
0042CD4E |> 8B5424 14 |mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
0042CD52 |. 8B4424 30 |mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+30]

0042CD56 |> 83F8 06 |cmp eax,6←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←id 6, Louis
0042CD59 |. 0F85 97000000 |jnz lf2.0042CDF6
0042CD5F 83BE B8000000 01 |cmp dword ptr ds:[esi+B8],1←←←←←←bdefend restore speed
0042CD66 |. 0F8F 8A000000 |jg lf2.0042CDF6
0042CD6C |. 8B4C24 10 |mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
0042CD70 |. B8 67666666 |mov eax,66666667
0042CD75 |. 8B49 2C |mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[ecx+2C]
0042CD78 |. F7E9 |imul ecx
0042CD7A |. C1FA 02 |sar edx,2
0042CD7D |. 8BC2 |mov eax,edx
0042CD7F |. C1E8 1F |shr eax,1F
0042CD82 |. 03D0 |add edx,eax
0042CD84 |. 83FA 02 |cmp edx,2
0042CD87 |. 74 65 |je short lf2.0042CDEE
0042CD89 |. 83FA 03 |cmp edx,3
0042CD8C |. 74 60 |je short lf2.0042CDEE
0042CD8E |. 83F9 02 |cmp ecx,2
0042CD91 |. 74 5B |je short lf2.0042CDEE
0042CD93 |. 83F9 03 |cmp ecx,3
0042CD96 |. 74 56 |je short lf2.0042CDEE
0042CD98 |. 8B4C24 0C |mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]
0042CD9C |. 8B11 |mov edx,dword ptr ds:[ecx]
0042CD9E |. 8B82 68030000 |mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edx+368]
0042CDA4 |. 8B80 F4060000 |mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+6F4]
0042CDAA |. 3D D6000000 |cmp eax,0D6←←←←←←←←←←←←←←which id's attack can't be withstood
0042CDAF |. 74 3D |je short lf2.0042CDEE
0042CDB1 |. 3D D0000000 |cmp eax,0D0←←←←←←←←←←←←←←which id's attack can't be withstood
0042CDB6 |. 74 36 |je short lf2.0042CDEE
0042CDB8 |. 8B46 70 |mov eax,dword ptr ds:[esi+70]
0042CDBB |. 83F8 14 |cmp eax,14
0042CDBE |. 0F8C D3120000 |jl lf2.0042E097
0042CDC4 |. 8D0C40 |lea ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax+eax*2]
0042CDC7 |. C1E1 04 |shl ecx,4
0042CDCA |. 2BC8 |sub ecx,eax
0042CDCC |. 8B84CF AC070000 |mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edi+ecx*8+7AC]
0042CDD3 |. 83F8 05 |cmp eax,5
0042CDD6 |. 0F84 BB120000 |je lf2.0042E097
0042CDDC |. 83F8 04 |cmp eax,4
0042CDDF |. 0F84 B2120000 |je lf2.0042E097
0042CDE5 |. 83F8 07 |cmp eax,7
0042CDE8 |. 0F84 A9120000 |je lf2.0042E097
0042CDEE |> 8B5424 14 |mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
0042CDF2 |. 8B4424 30 |mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+30]

0042CDF6 |> 83F8 34 |cmp eax,34←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←id 52 ,Julian
0042CDF9 |. 75 2D |jnz short lf2.0042CE28
0042CDFB |. 83BE B8000000 0F |cmp dword ptr ds:[esi+B8],0F←←←←←←bdefend restore speed
0042CE02 |. 7F 24 |jg short lf2.0042CE28
0042CE04 |. 8B4424 0C |mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]
0042CE08 |. 8B08 |mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax]
0042CE0A |. 8B81 68030000 |mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx+368]
0042CE10 |. 8B80 F4060000 |mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+6F4]
0042CE16 |. 3D D6000000 |cmp eax,0D6 ←←←←←←←←←←←←←←which id's attack can't be withstood
0042CE1B |. 74 0B |je short lf2.0042CE28
0042CE1D |. 3D D0000000 |cmp eax,0D0 ←←←←←←←←←←←←←←which id's attack can't be withstood
0042CE22 |. 0F85 73120000 |jnz lf2.0042E09B
0042CE28 |> 8B7424 10 |mov esi,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]

The id can't be withstood can also be character or weapon.
If you want creat a new id with Armour Effect, just replace the code ''mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edi+6F4]'' at 0042CCE6 with ''JMP XXXXXXXX ''.
Then at XXXXXXXX should like this:
XXXXXXXX       mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edi+6F4]
XXXXXXXX      cmp eax,25
XXXXXXXX      je 0042CCEF
XXXXXXXX      cmp eax,#←←←the id you want to creat
XXXXXXXX      jnz 0042CD56
XXXXXXXX      cmp dword ptr ds:[esi+B8],0F←←←you can type any number(hex) you want. The bigger the number is, the stronger your character will be
XXXXXXXX      jg lf2.0042CD56
XXXXXXXX      mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
XXXXXXXX      mov eax,66666667
XXXXXXXX      mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[ecx+2C]
XXXXXXXX      imul ecx
XXXXXXXX      sar edx,2
XXXXXXXX      mov eax,edx
XXXXXXXX      shr eax,1F
XXXXXXXX      add edx,eax
XXXXXXXX      cmp edx,2
XXXXXXXX      je lf2.0042CD4E
XXXXXXXX      cmp edx,3
XXXXXXXX      je lf2.0042CD4E
XXXXXXXX      cmp ecx,2
XXXXXXXX      je lf2.0042CD4E
XXXXXXXX      cmp ecx,3
XXXXXXXX      je lf2.0042CD4E
XXXXXXXX      mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]
XXXXXXXX      mov edx,dword ptr ds:[ecx]
XXXXXXXX      mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edx+368]
XXXXXXXX      mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+6F4]
XXXXXXXX      *cmp eax,%%%←which id's attack can break defend
XXXXXXXX      *je lf2.0042CD4E
XXXXXXXX      *cmp eax,%%%←which id's attack can break defend
XXXXXXXX      *je lf2.0042CD4E
  .             .
  .             .
  .             .
  .             .
  .             .
XXXXXXXX      *cmp eax,%%%←which id's attack can break defend
XXXXXXXX      *je lf2.0042CD4E
XXXXXXXX      jmp 0042E097

If you want your new id to be invincible,
just don't type * code

This is my fist time post a thread.
Besides, I come from Taiwan, and my English grade is poor....
If there has any problem, please tell me.

RE: Armour Effect of ID - MH-Razen - 07-25-2008

wow......... don't have time to try this out but I expect you did.

Awesome! Really great work!

RE: Armour Effect of ID - Boop - 07-25-2008

Cool, I actually knew this ( RaMMicHaeL made an exe with armor and I copied his code). I moved this thread to tutorials. I'll post soon on how to copy the armor sound as well(unless your code includes sound as well, didn't look over it completly).

Good work, it's nice to see someone else working on this stuff besides me (and rammichael, but rammichael isn't very active).

PS: If you just want to copy armor and not make a custom one, there is no need to copy the entire code.

RE: Armour Effect of ID - xxtomnyxx - 07-25-2008

Quote:PS: If you just want to copy armor and not make a custom one, there is no need to copy the entire code.

That's right...
If just copy, you can only add your new id and make it JUMP to the line, where you copy the effect.

I also found where state 18 works to injure teammates, make state 18 and 19 have smoke and cause no shade...
But I don't know how it works......(I have just learn Assembly recent days.)

Actully, I guess why Julian's code of Armour effect is much shorter than Louis' and Knight's is becaise Louis and Knight
have their hit sound....
Is it right??

RE: Armour Effect of ID - Boop - 07-25-2008

No, the sound is located in a completly different area...
0042E0D4  |. 83F9 25        |CMP ECX,25 << knight ID
0042E0D7  |. 74 12          |JE SHORT lf2.0042E0EB
0042E0D9  |. 83F9 06        |CMP ECX,6 << louis ID
0042E0DC  |. 74 0D          |JE SHORT lf2.0042E0EB
0042E0DE  |. 8B46 10        |MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+10]
0042E0E1     6A 01          PUSH 1  << Default Play sound
0042E0E3  |. 50             |PUSH EAX
0042E0E4  |. E8 57BBFEFF    |CALL lf2.00419C40
0042E0E9  |. EB 22          |JMP SHORT lf2.0042E10D
0042E0EB  |> 8B4E 10        |MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+10]
0042E0EE     6A 05          PUSH 11 << Armor hit sound
0042E0F0  |. 51             |PUSH ECX
0042E0F1  |. E8 4ABBFEFF    |CALL lf2.00419C40

I think the code is longer because of the exceptions, louis and knight can get hit in certain situations where julian cant.

RE: Armour Effect of ID - xxtomnyxx - 07-26-2008

So push 1 is 002.wav,
push 11 is 085.wav?
Then push 0 is 001.wav and 2 is 006.wav ??

Actually, I don't know how ''push'', ''call'' and ''retn'' works.
So I still can only find where it works but don't know why these code can made the result.

Your reminded me that Louis can be hit when he is at state 3.
The code caused this result may right in the place which Julian lack.

RE: Armour Effect of ID - Boop - 07-26-2008

0042CDBB |. 83F8 14 |cmp eax,14 <<frame number 20
0042CDBE |. 0F8C D3120000 |jl lf2.0042E097
0042CDC4 |. 8D0C40 |lea ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax+eax*2]
0042CDC7 |. C1E1 04 |shl ecx,4
0042CDCA |. 2BC8 |sub ecx,eax
0042CDCC |. 8B84CF AC070000 |mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edi+ecx*8+7AC]
0042CDD3 |. 83F8 05 |cmp eax,5 << state 5
0042CDD6 |. 0F84 BB120000 |je lf2.0042E097
0042CDDC |. 83F8 04 |cmp eax,4 << state 4
0042CDDF |. 0F84 B2120000 |je lf2.0042E097
0042CDE5 |. 83F8 07 |cmp eax,7 << state 7
0042CDE8 |. 0F84 A9120000 |je lf2.0042E097
0042CDEE |> 8B5424 14 |mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
0042CDF2 |. 8B4424 30 |mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+30]

Basically louis armor only works if the frame number is under 20, UNLESS he is in state 4,5,7.

I don't know where the push numbers come from, I usually go through all of them to find the correct sound :p. Call works like JMP, except at the end of your detour code, instead of writing jump again, you write RETN. This way you can "jmp" and reuse the same detour code a lot of times since RETN, returns to the line after the CALL. I hope that made sense

RE: Armour Effect of ID - Tutu - 06-10-2019

(07-25-2008, 02:38 PM)xxtomnyxx Wrote:  I found where causes ids have Armour Effect.

0042CCE6 |. 8B87 F4060000 |mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edi+6F4]
0042CCEC |. 83F8 25 |cmp eax,25←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←id 37, Knight
0042CCEF |. 894424 30 |mov dword ptr ss:[esp+30],eax
0042CCF3 |. 75 61 |jnz short lf2.0042CD56
0042CCF5 |. 83BE B8000000 0F |cmp dword ptr ds:[esi+B8],0F←←←←←←bdefend restore speed
0042CCFC |. 7F 58 |jg short lf2.0042CD56
0042CCFE |. 8B4C24 10 |mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
0042CD02 |. B8 67666666 |mov eax,66666667
0042CD07 |. 8B49 2C |mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[ecx+2C]
0042CD0A |. F7E9 |imul ecx
0042CD0C |. C1FA 02 |sar edx,2
0042CD0F |. 8BC2 |mov eax,edx
0042CD11 |. C1E8 1F |shr eax,1F
0042CD14 |. 03D0 |add edx,eax
0042CD16 |. 83FA 02 |cmp edx,2
0042CD19 |. 74 33 |je short lf2.0042CD4E
0042CD1B |. 83FA 03 |cmp edx,3
0042CD1E |. 74 2E |je short lf2.0042CD4E
0042CD20 |. 83F9 02 |cmp ecx,2
0042CD23 |. 74 29 |je short lf2.0042CD4E
0042CD25 |. 83F9 03 |cmp ecx,3
0042CD28 |. 74 24 |je short lf2.0042CD4E
0042CD2A |. 8B4C24 0C |mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]
0042CD2E |. 8B11 |mov edx,dword ptr ds:[ecx]
0042CD30 |. 8B82 68030000 |mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edx+368]
0042CD36 |. 8B80 F4060000 |mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+6F4]
0042CD3C |. 3D D6000000 |cmp eax,0D6←←←←←←←←←←←←←←which id's attack can't be withstood
0042CD41 |. 74 0B |je short lf2.0042CD4E
0042CD43 |. 3D D0000000 |cmp eax,0D0←←←←←←←←←←←←←←which id's attack can't be withstood
0042CD48 |. 0F85 49130000 |jnz lf2.0042E097
0042CD4E |> 8B5424 14 |mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
0042CD52 |. 8B4424 30 |mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+30]

0042CD56 |> 83F8 06 |cmp eax,6←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←id 6, Louis
0042CD59 |. 0F85 97000000 |jnz lf2.0042CDF6
0042CD5F 83BE B8000000 01 |cmp dword ptr ds:[esi+B8],1←←←←←←bdefend restore speed
0042CD66 |. 0F8F 8A000000 |jg lf2.0042CDF6
0042CD6C |. 8B4C24 10 |mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
0042CD70 |. B8 67666666 |mov eax,66666667
0042CD75 |. 8B49 2C |mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[ecx+2C]
0042CD78 |. F7E9 |imul ecx
0042CD7A |. C1FA 02 |sar edx,2
0042CD7D |. 8BC2 |mov eax,edx
0042CD7F |. C1E8 1F |shr eax,1F
0042CD82 |. 03D0 |add edx,eax
0042CD84 |. 83FA 02 |cmp edx,2
0042CD87 |. 74 65 |je short lf2.0042CDEE
0042CD89 |. 83FA 03 |cmp edx,3
0042CD8C |. 74 60 |je short lf2.0042CDEE
0042CD8E |. 83F9 02 |cmp ecx,2
0042CD91 |. 74 5B |je short lf2.0042CDEE
0042CD93 |. 83F9 03 |cmp ecx,3
0042CD96 |. 74 56 |je short lf2.0042CDEE
0042CD98 |. 8B4C24 0C |mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]
0042CD9C |. 8B11 |mov edx,dword ptr ds:[ecx]
0042CD9E |. 8B82 68030000 |mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edx+368]
0042CDA4 |. 8B80 F4060000 |mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+6F4]
0042CDAA |. 3D D6000000 |cmp eax,0D6←←←←←←←←←←←←←←which id's attack can't be withstood
0042CDAF |. 74 3D |je short lf2.0042CDEE
0042CDB1 |. 3D D0000000 |cmp eax,0D0←←←←←←←←←←←←←←which id's attack can't be withstood
0042CDB6 |. 74 36 |je short lf2.0042CDEE
0042CDB8 |. 8B46 70 |mov eax,dword ptr ds:[esi+70]
0042CDBB |. 83F8 14 |cmp eax,14
0042CDBE |. 0F8C D3120000 |jl lf2.0042E097
0042CDC4 |. 8D0C40 |lea ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax+eax*2]
0042CDC7 |. C1E1 04 |shl ecx,4
0042CDCA |. 2BC8 |sub ecx,eax
0042CDCC |. 8B84CF AC070000 |mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edi+ecx*8+7AC]
0042CDD3 |. 83F8 05 |cmp eax,5
0042CDD6 |. 0F84 BB120000 |je lf2.0042E097
0042CDDC |. 83F8 04 |cmp eax,4
0042CDDF |. 0F84 B2120000 |je lf2.0042E097
0042CDE5 |. 83F8 07 |cmp eax,7
0042CDE8 |. 0F84 A9120000 |je lf2.0042E097
0042CDEE |> 8B5424 14 |mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
0042CDF2 |. 8B4424 30 |mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+30]

0042CDF6 |> 83F8 34 |cmp eax,34←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←id 52 ,Julian
0042CDF9 |. 75 2D |jnz short lf2.0042CE28
0042CDFB |. 83BE B8000000 0F |cmp dword ptr ds:[esi+B8],0F←←←←←←bdefend restore speed
0042CE02 |. 7F 24 |jg short lf2.0042CE28
0042CE04 |. 8B4424 0C |mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]
0042CE08 |. 8B08 |mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax]
0042CE0A |. 8B81 68030000 |mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx+368]
0042CE10 |. 8B80 F4060000 |mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+6F4]
0042CE16 |. 3D D6000000 |cmp eax,0D6 ←←←←←←←←←←←←←←which id's attack can't be withstood
0042CE1B |. 74 0B |je short lf2.0042CE28
0042CE1D |. 3D D0000000 |cmp eax,0D0 ←←←←←←←←←←←←←←which id's attack can't be withstood
0042CE22 |. 0F85 73120000 |jnz lf2.0042E09B
0042CE28 |> 8B7424 10 |mov esi,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]

The id can't be withstood can also be character or weapon.
If you want creat a new id with Armour Effect, just replace the code ''mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edi+6F4]'' at 0042CCE6 with ''JMP XXXXXXXX ''.
Then at XXXXXXXX should like this:
XXXXXXXX       mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edi+6F4]
XXXXXXXX      cmp eax,25
XXXXXXXX      je 0042CCEF
XXXXXXXX      cmp eax,#←←←the id you want to creat
XXXXXXXX      jnz 0042CD56
XXXXXXXX      cmp dword ptr ds:[esi+B8],0F←←←you can type any number(hex) you want. The bigger the number is, the stronger your character will be
XXXXXXXX      jg lf2.0042CD56
XXXXXXXX      mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
XXXXXXXX      mov eax,66666667
XXXXXXXX      mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[ecx+2C]
XXXXXXXX      imul ecx
XXXXXXXX      sar edx,2
XXXXXXXX      mov eax,edx
XXXXXXXX      shr eax,1F
XXXXXXXX      add edx,eax
XXXXXXXX      cmp edx,2
XXXXXXXX      je lf2.0042CD4E
XXXXXXXX      cmp edx,3
XXXXXXXX      je lf2.0042CD4E
XXXXXXXX      cmp ecx,2
XXXXXXXX      je lf2.0042CD4E
XXXXXXXX      cmp ecx,3
XXXXXXXX      je lf2.0042CD4E
XXXXXXXX      mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]
XXXXXXXX      mov edx,dword ptr ds:[ecx]
XXXXXXXX      mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edx+368]
XXXXXXXX      mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+6F4]
XXXXXXXX      *cmp eax,%%%←which id's attack can break defend
XXXXXXXX      *je lf2.0042CD4E
XXXXXXXX      *cmp eax,%%%←which id's attack can break defend
XXXXXXXX      *je lf2.0042CD4E
  .             .
  .             .
  .             .
  .             .
  .             .
XXXXXXXX      *cmp eax,%%%←which id's attack can break defend
XXXXXXXX      *je lf2.0042CD4E
XXXXXXXX      jmp 0042E097

If you want your new id to be invincible,
just don't type * code

This is my fist time post a thread.
Besides, I come from Taiwan, and my English grade is poor....
If there has any problem, please tell me.
what software have y'all used here?