A = Attack
J = Jump
D = Defend
> = Right
< = Left
^ = Up
V = Down
>>JA = Dash Attack
>>J = Dash
>>A = Run Attack
>> D = Rolling
G = Grab
Press J while falling = Flip Back
When your character couldnt defend anymore = break defend
Pain of dance = When your character is 'painful' for a few sec and he can be grab
Super attack = when you press A near an enemy while he is in the pain of dance.
1. Strength
2. Advantage Position
3. Recommended Combos
4. Techniques
5. Weakness
6. Not Recommended
---1. Strength---
Davis have the fastest attack speed in the game among all the normal character. Davis also have two significant move which could help him to get out of close combat problem, which I will explain a little bit later. In general, Davis is the strongest character in close combat.
---2. Advantage Position---
Try not to stand in the left - right position, always approach the enemy from the top or the bottom. If the enemy >>J and run away, you can either hit them by >>JA them, or use >>J to somewhere below or above them. Forcing them to engage you in close combat, as most character have slower attack speed than Davis, you are in the advantage of landing the first hit.
---3. Recommended Combo---
[3.1] The best one would be this
AAA + G + AAAAA + D^A * because it is unblockable and it does 45% dmg of the enemy HP
(*) If they flip back after D^A, simply continue to punch them with A
[3.2]Another one would be
AAA + ** DVA + walk a while (>) * + after they the frame for flipping back has pass, press D^A. (Which is somewhere that they are going to land)
(*) If they flip back while you are walking, then simply continue punching them
(**) Do not use this if you are not standing in the same horizontal alignment as them
Instead use
If you were to execute D V A after 5 punches, for characters with quick jump attack such as Deep, Woody and Rudolf. They were be able to hit you instantly with their jump attack, especially for Deep, where 60 HP out of 500 HP will be lost.
Not really recommended unless you have no MP
(*) If the enemy flip back, wait till they lands then you hit A, they will continue be hit.
Using weapon
A + D^A
It is not recommended that Davis carry a weapon, his attack speed will be greatly slowed.
---4. Technique---
Dragon Punch Counter Attack
-How to activate-
When being punch, press D^A and their attack will be counter.
Dragon Punch Counter Dash Attack
-How to activate-
When their >>JA is about to hit you, press D^A and their >>JA will be counter.
Dashing Strafe Defend Counter Attack
-How to activate-
When you are defending, immdiately after they punch you, press DVA
Energy Ball Counter Dash Attack
-How to activate-
When enemy is have just dash, use D>A and you will be able to him them, this doest not applies to Deep and Louis.
Might not work if the character launch the dash attack too fast.
Get Away
-How to activate-
When you are being punch, press D^J, the enemy will hit your legs and you will fall down to the ground, very useful to getaway for a 5 mp move.
Take note people might be able to pull of some combos while you are falling down.
Counter Dash Attack that came from behind you while you are Running
-How to activate-
When you are running, and if the enemy >>JA from behind you, press D to roll and you will roll under him. Press D^A when he is over you.
Dragon Punch counter at weapon reach
-How to activate-
If your opponent is holding a weapon and you know he is dangerous if he is holding onto it.
Even at weapon reach, your Davis is able to use D^A to hit the enemy.
*You may need to to a little closer
Useful to knock rudolf/henry off their weapon or when your opponent health is low enough to finish them off.
---5. Weaknesses---
Loopholes of the Dragon Punch counter attack
-How to exploit-
This is essentailly important if you are up against a Davis, although not a lot of players know about this weaknesses
When your character is overlapping with Davis and you are punching him, make sure you are facing the opposite direction of him as you punch, it does not matter if he defend or not. Try your best to position your character to be at the back of Davis when over lapping, while making sure your punch can hit him at the same time. When you get the position right, his D^A will miss you when he counter.
Mind games with Davis
When you predict Davis would come up with D^A as counter attack, block it! But it might not happen all the time. Experince will tell you this.
Dashing Strafe loophole 1
-How to exploit-
When you are at the edge of the Davis DVA attack, press in towards the direction of the edge while you are being attack, at the 4th hit, you will be able to walk out of his 4th hit, and you can counter back while he is still performing his 4th hit.
Dashing Strafe loophole 2
-How to exploit-
When Davis do not have enough mp for Dragon punch and only have enough mp for 1-2 dashing strafe.
block the 4th hit, and he will use another dashing strafe at you if he has enough mp. Block the 4th hit again.
This time he does not have enough mp and he will use his Super Attack.
His super attack is so slow that you can walk out of it and counter him.
If he decided not to punch you to prevent you to counter him, he will try to walk away or defend
If he defend, continue to hit him if he has no mp for another dashing strafe.
If he try to walk away, try to predict the direction he will walk towards. Try to follow that direction and punch.
---6. Not Recommended---
Combos [3.3] and [3.4]
[3.3] If the enemy flip back sucessfully then they are beable to hit you, try to move forward instead of jumping up to prevent them to flip back is enough
[3.4] Davis attack speed is slower with weapon, and he does not have any good technique to go with weapon
Can be dodge and counter
Can be dodge and counter, ususally too slow... Only use when it is a gurantee hit.
>>D ^ A
can be block and counter
1. Strength
2. Advantage Position
3. Recommended Combos
4. Techniques
5. Weakness
6. Not Recommended
---1. Strength---
Woody have the same attack speed as Davis, making him as deadly as Davis in close combat. Even though Woody may not have the necessary get away move in close combat, Woody have Tiger Dash to make up for it. Tiger Dash could use to surprise people in many way, use to get away when in you are in an disadvatage situation (ie Henry going to use SOTD). Woody are slightly better than Davis when in left right position as he has Tiger Dash. You could either use to wriggle out of it, to quickly change the position to your favourable position, or take a shot at your enemy if you think he has the likely chance to be hit by it. And Woody deal with range character better than Davis. Another thing is Woody has lesser weakness than Davis, which make him a sort of easier to use. The only problem with Woody is he might take a longer while to kill a normal player as his combos are easier to get out of it as compare to other player. Each time a sucessful punches he lands usually take away about 15-30% of opponent life as compare to Davis which is 25-45%. Woody would need 4-8 successful punches to kill an opponent while Davis would only need 3-4 sucessful punches.
---2. Advantage Position---
The same as Davis, try to get them into forcing you in close combat by approaching from the top or the bottom. As Woody have the same attack speed as Davis, you will have the higher chance of landing the first hit for most character. When against Davis, try to exploit the weakness i have cover as stated in this guide.
---3. Recommend Combos---
D^A variations
This is what ususally happens after D^A
D^A* + >JA + D>J
(*) If you think enemy recover after D^A, change to to D (roll) and then DVA
(*) If you use >JA and enemy recover, you might use D<J on the other direction to try to hit them.
DVA Variations
This is what usually happens after DVA
DVA + *D^A
(*) If enemy recovers, wait a while before launching D^A, they will get hit if they flip back.
AAA + G + AAAAA + *D^A + ...
(*) If you predict your opponent will recover, delay your D^A by a while so that you can hit them if they flip back.
AAA + wait 0.5 sec + DVA + ...
---4. Techiques---
Flip Kick Counter during Defend
-How to activate-
When defending, immdeiately after blocking a hit, press D^A
Knock the enemy to the wall
After 3 punches, instead of performing any combo, use D>J to hit the enemy to the wall, Woody combo is 2 times deadlier than anybody when his opponent is against the wall.
Counter Dash attack using energy ball
-How to activate-
When enemy is running towards u and u predict he is going to launch a dash attack, use D>A to counter.
Not very wise for the mp usage, try to master doging it and hit him back.
---5. Weakness---
When woody is using
AAA + D^A + >JA, if you dodge the >JA and you counter back with a <JA on woody. But woody will have a chance of blocking it.
Woody have no general weaknesses, the only way you will be at an advantage is to try your best to dodge his combos. Everytime when woody lands a sucessful punches, he would only take away like 15% of your hp if you dodge well enough. Therefore he would need like 4-8
sucessful punches to eventually take you down.
---6. Not recommended----
Teleport - apparently it is too slow for a move, if a player manage to predict it he will CAN walk towards your teleporting area and started to hit you. However teleport may come in certain useful situations though. It is more useful when there is no lag.
Whether you want to use this move or not is depend how sharp your opponent is, if they fall into it again and again then hehe
1. Strength
2. Advantage Position
3. Recommended Combos
4. Techniques
5. Weakness
6. Not Recommended
---1. Strength---
Dennis have the strongest combo in the game, all of Dennis combo is UNBREAKABLE and it take 50-75% damage using merely 35% mp or so.
Dennis also have a chase ball which help in distracting other people.
---2. Advantage Position---
Dennis may have extremely good combos, the drawback lies in the attack speed. Dennis need to approach from top or bottom for most character but with the exception of woody and davis you may need to reconsider and change into a left right position with a weapon. Using defense and DVA counter to knock them down onto the floor, as well as D^A when they are down onto the floor to create a pincer attack etc etc. Dennis does not have good chances against woody or davis. Therefore you will need great deal of experince when fighting against them.
---3. Recommend Combos---
Only one combo is recommended
When enemy overlap with each other, AA** + DVA* + D<A + G + AAAAA + DVA
(*)the 4th hit must miss.
(**) When enemy block the second hit, change it to
D>J (one hit), enemy will go into the dance of pain
---4. Techiques---
Dashing Strafe Counter during Defend
-How to activate-
When defending, immdeiately after blocking a hit, press DVA
Pincer Attack
When the enemy is down the floor, use D^A and move to the other side. When the enemy stands up, they will be surronded by your chase ball and you. They will be force to guard your chase ball, this may leave you a chance to dash attack them.
Counter Dash attack using Energy Ball
When enemy is going to dash attack you, use D>A to counter them before they jump off.
---5. Weakness---
Slow attack speed
When you are at the extreme 'edge' and you got kick by dennis, you can walk off before he launch the second kick
Dashing Strafe Loophole
When overlapping, some players may use DVA instead of D>J when your defend is broken.
So at this moment, keep pressing towards the direction to the back of dennis. And sometimes, if you are lucky, the 4th hit misses and he is open up to attack!.
Dennis weakness lies in the attacks speed, even though it is slow, you have to be very careful not to get hit by it! Trying on dennis in close left right position also work well.
---6. Not recommended----
Blind Chase Ball - Dont anyhow just keep shooting chase ball, when an enemy is near you. Do not use it. As they might approach you and beat you up instead. Chase ball is usually use when they are on the ground.
-Rudolf guide-
1. Strength
2. Advantage Position
3. Recommended Combos
4. Techniques
5. Weakness
6. Not Recommended
---1. Strength---
Rudolf is one of the fastest characters in the game. he has a high attack speed, is a medium range attacker and has lots of skills. He is the only character that can mirror image into other characters and so he can use their combos. Rudolf also has the ability to clone himself and his duplicates can help him fight.
---2. Advantage Position---
Rudolf is best used in a left-right position. His ninja-stars can be aimed slightly up and down along the z-axis. try not to stand in an up-down position. This prevents him from attacking the opponent. If the opponent is in an up-down position with u, at the right position, ^JA can hit him and he would go into Dance-of-pain.
---3. Recommended Combo---
Rudolf doesn't have many combos on his own, and it is recommended that you transform and use the other characters' combos.
[3.1] ninja star rain + transform. {50% hp give-or-take}
When u're at the correct distance,
AAA, (pause) D>A, * walk > a small bit AA, (i)/(ii)
(ii) A {super punch}
(*) if the character moves away/presses D here, just continue to hit him with the ninja stars till he falls down.
[3.2]4x4 star transformation hp}
When you and the enemy are both touching the z-axis (either top or bottom), this combo is the best. Use when you are at about deep's sword's hitting range or you could walk nearer to the enemy when he is in DoP
AAA, #(pause until he is just almost out of DoP) D>AAAA, A, G AAAADJA
The D>A stars don't have to be controlled towards the enemy. it is possible to make all 5 stars hit him but it has a high chance of making the enemy fall. Best of rudolf's transforming combos.
[3.3] Using weapons
A, (go to # (above))
Rudolf should only use weapons if the player wants to use melee attacks
[3.4] All other character combos when he is transformed
---4. Technique---
[4.1] Transforming Dragon-Punch
After grabbing Davis, AAAADJAD^A*
This only works with Davis. I've tried all other characters but it's not possible to hit them when u transform into them.
(*) If Davis flips back over here, hit him with DVAJA or DVAD^A If you have enough mp.
[4.2] Attack of the clones.
After you are able to transform into someone, and create clones, when your clones are present and u press DJA, your clones will also transform into that character. This is useful coz the computer can use other character's to deal damage better than rudolf.
[4.3] Invisible mirror-image.
When you can transform into someone, pressing D^J,DJA will let you be the other character while you're still invisible for that moment. This is very useful if u can transform into Woody as you can do D^J, DJA, D^JD>J. This is making yourself invisible, transforming into Woody, teleporting next to your enemy then tiger dashing.
[4.4] Distractions.
Your clones can be good distractions to the enemy coz he'll have to deal with them too if they are spawned successfully. Only use them if you have low hp and are far away from the enemy coz if u use it when u have a lot of hp, you wouldn't be ale to recharge your mp fast enough and would run out of it to throw your ninnja stars. And if you use it near your enemy he'll hit you when u're spawning them.
---5. Weaknesses---
Rudolf is very slow when doing D^J and DVJ and can easily be hit while doing it.
Rudolf's clones only have 10HP and can be easily killed with 1 hit.
If you don't let Rudolf transform into you, he is very weak and can't do good combos.
---6. Not Recommended---
D^J and DVJ unless you really need to and have low mp. Also, don't try to lure people to the edge of the z-axis to do that 4x4 star stransformation.
-Freeze guide-
1. Strength
2. Advantage Position
3. Recommended Combos
4. Techniques
5. Weakness
6. Not Recommended
---1. Strength---
Freeze is one of the strongest special attacks attackers. His normal punch, ice balls and ice sword can turn almost all other powerballs (excludes firen's flame balls) flying at him into ice balls which fly back towards the enemy. His whirlwind is also very powerful and freezes anyone that comes into contact with it.
---2. Advantage Position---
Freeze is best when used in a left-right diagonally up/down position, and his dash attack is one of the fastest to activate, so you should stand up along the z-axis. His icicles are also able to go along the z-axis so it is recommended that you don't stand on the same z-axis position as the other player.
---3. Recommended Combo---
Freeze only has one powerful combo, but if done without the first breakout, you can deal 80% HP damage.
[3.1] Freeze's Ultimate combo.
Below is Freeze's 95% full combo. H.I.M. discovered the final 5% part but it's not in the preview.
The final 5% part is before you dash attack the other guy at the end. You pick up your sword again and walk << a bit, (>J)* (>A), When you land which is almost instantly, (>J)A
*-indicates you have to hold down the direction key while pressing the action key.
[3.2] Using weapons
Your Ice sword is the best weapon you can rely on, and it can attack bunches of people everytime u hit. You can throw your sword at your opponent and freeze him and do damage from there.
---4. Technique---
[4.1] Ice sword throwing. You can throw your ice sword at people like (>J)(>A) <DA. and pick it up again and attack the other guys rushing at you if there are any. Also, you can use your ice sword to lure people and make another ice sword as your attacking one.
[4.2] Icicle shield. Yeah you can use your icicles as a small blocker for you to have that small amount of HP regeneration when your HP's low. that extra 10 HP could make it to 50 and save you from a knife thrown at you. Also, if you're VSing lots of comps, you could do the icicles, then do a whirlwind and it'll just touch then at the end if you walk > touching the smallest icicle. Also handy for blocking Firen's 3 fireballs.
[4.3] Double Icicle strike. This doesn't work on human players much unfortunately, and ya it's a PVP guide but i'll still mention it anyway. Normally computers press defend when you do the first set of icicles at them, and then they would run towards you and most of them would just run towards the icicles. It's in their scripting. Well now they're all open for attack, well maybe. Just do a second set of icicles and it'll freeze them.
[4.4] Ice balls. You have a very powerful ball attack. If you're up against Davis, Dennis or Woody, This comes in handy as their balls can be turned into ice balls which then fly back at them. It is also possible to do it for John's ball, but as he normally fires just one, he'll probably block it and it wouldn't be such a good use of MP.
---5. Weaknesses---
Freeze's running and dash attacks only damage single enemies, so he isn't one of the best when dealing with mobs when he's low on MP.
Freeze's ice balls can easily be deflected by Dennis and his spinning kick. Davis' running attack also can be used to deflect loads of ice balls back at Freeze if performed correctly, but it is hard to do.
[5.3] Freeze's whirlwind has to go through a few frames before it actually happens, so Freeze is open for attack when he tries to do it.
---6. Not Recommended---
It is not recommended that you throw ice balls randomly as they fly kinda slow. Also, for goodness sake, DON'T throw them at Firzen, LouisEX, or Knights. Their shields/LouisEX's stab would deflect it back at you easily.