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What´s behind Julians Mask? - Printable Version

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What´s behind Julians Mask? - Jurassic - 08-05-2008

Here is a picture of five Julians without the Mask.
What Julian is most realistic?

[Image: Unbenannt2.jpg]

RE: What´s behind Julians Mask? - Hypermodder - 08-05-2008

sry, but we already takled about that in the julain- zombie or machine-thread--

btw, nice sprites--

wait, I'll show ya my version of him--

huh, a black hole!

where else should he cat his soul-power!

zombie with no face, a summoned demon!

RE: What´s behind Julians Mask? - Jurassic - 08-05-2008

Hypermodder, that wasn´t my question.
I want to know what sprite is most realistic.

RE: What´s behind Julians Mask? - Lauli - 08-05-2008

Imagine Master Chief (from halo) is Julian:
Well that'd be awesome :D

I'd say there's just a face, nothing more, so I'd say something like Jurrasics first sprite. Just only with glowing eyes and darker skin.

RE: What´s behind Julians Mask? - ~Dome~ - 08-05-2008

Voted for first, I think he is a human ...

RE: What´s behind Julians Mask? - Zabobula - 08-06-2008

I never really thought of that as his mask. But if it is, then it looks good on him and he shouldn't remove it. Unless...

RE: What´s behind Julians Mask? - Silverthorn - 08-08-2008

Under Julian's mask is....
*dramatic music starts to play*

Just kidding but if I had to vote, I'd probably take pic #1.
btw, what's the fifth pic supposed to be?

RE: What´s behind Julians Mask? - dazzapizza - 08-09-2008

1st looks the coolest. The rest look like...scribbles so I vote number 1.

RE: What´s behind Julians Mask? - Zhyhm.Z - 08-09-2008

Yeah, no.1 is the coolest, but a little pixelate.
And no.4 looks funny ^^

RE: What´s behind Julians Mask? - Montblanc - 09-17-2008

he's definitley a human, but his skin is supposed to be darker, i think