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Eurosong!!! - Marko pro - 05-26-2012

Anyboddy watching Eurosong...
What your fav song is??? fav song is from Sweeden(Euphoria).

RE: Eurosong!!! - Gespenst - 05-26-2012

Actualy its Eurovision song contest.
I realy like my own country.
This years have just few amazing songs.
Not like eurovision in 2010 had.

RE: Eurosong!!! - Marko pro - 05-26-2012

Are you in final??mean your country??

RE: Eurosong!!! - Gespenst - 05-26-2012

Donatas Montvydas-love is blind.
Sweeden euphoria sounds to similar to other songs i have heard

RE: Eurosong!!! - Ariel - 05-26-2012

are u watching it right now? O.o
didnt know its today Lawl

RE: Eurosong!!! - Marko pro - 05-26-2012

(05-26-2012, 08:21 PM)EXG9 Wrote:  Fyeah.
Donatas Montvydas-love is blind.
Sweeden euphoria sounds to similar to other songs i have heard
They are first favorites of experts so that ressons why i like them and i like when she singing euuuuuuuuphoriaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
EDIT:yes i wathcing it,right now is Spain.

RE: Eurosong!!! - Gespenst - 05-26-2012

Dh, yep, now 19 spain just ended to sing
edit: damn i was ninjad

RE: Eurosong!!! - Marko pro - 05-26-2012

What time is it in your country.In Croatia is 22. 35.(10.35. pm)
EDIT:now is Malta.They are pretty good.Did you see what he did.

RE: Eurosong!!! - Gespenst - 05-26-2012

now F.Y.R Macedonia
i like that song.

RE: Eurosong!!! - Bla bla bla 44 - 05-27-2012

Yeah i watched it too. Favourite is Macedonia ( of course :D) and i liked Denmark and Germany - rock songs(i think). :p