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Stretchable reply box not working in Windows 7 - Printable Version

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Stretchable reply box not working in Windows 7 - Electric2Shock - 07-27-2012

And yes, I use Win7 x86.

The stretchable replybox of newthread.php and newreply.php that I used to experience on Windows XP now does not seem to be stretchable anymore in Windows 7 and Vista.

And the part of it that covers "Signature: Include your signature. (registered users only)" does not look neat.

Screenshot (Click to View)

RE: Stretchable reply box not working in Windows 7 - Silverthorn - 07-27-2012

Weird, it should've been present on the newthread-page only. Either way, I resized the textbox to the width of your browser-window (I don't even know why that is not standard. That small box has bothered me for quite a while). Regarding the "stretchable" thing, that's a feature introduced in FF4, I believe. Nothing done on LFE's side in terms of that.

The box usually displaces itself like that when your browser-window is not wide enough to have all buttons appear in one line (as you can see, align-right and align-justify create extra-space which makes it all appear weird).

At the moment, both newthread.php and newreply.php don't create faulty textboxes for me....

RE: Stretchable reply box not working in Windows 7 - empirefantasy - 07-27-2012

this happen to in my old computer.
I made a thread about this problem once:

RE: Stretchable reply box not working in Windows 7 - Electric2Shock - 07-30-2012


The stretchable box is back!! And the part that covers the text is also gone!