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Sprite section page 1 - Printable Version

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Sprite section page 1 - Jahvansi - 08-27-2012

Hi there :)

when i click on sprites section the side doesnt load, F5 doesnt help, it shows that it loads for a milisecond maybe and then its like its done, but the page stays white :/

strange that when i type in for page 2 of sprite section, everything works correctly, changing the page-2 to page-1 and the bug appears again

help pls :(

RE: Sprite section page 1 - Marko pro - 08-27-2012

for me work fine... :P try to close internet explorer/google chrome... and then refresh deskopt. OR restart computer/internet(modem)

RE: Sprite section page 1 - Silverthorn - 08-27-2012

After summoning the spirits from the twelfth plane of torment we have found the problem to be lying in the thread prefixes that have caused havoc in the realms of page-creation. However, the havoc-party has been canceled so that peace may come in. Fixed? :p

RE: Sprite section page 1 - The Hari - 08-27-2012

i can add, that by all day i had same problem, but with projects section. now everything working.

RE: Sprite section page 1 - Jahvansi - 08-27-2012

whatever lol BP :D
yeah fixed ty :P

and i did that a lot marko ;)