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Tales of the World LF2 - Printable Version

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Tales of the World LF2 - WillyFromPhilly - 08-18-2008

Download this game:

its an lf2 mod based off of tales of the world!!
its really great!!

RE: Tales of the World LF2 - emptysys - 08-18-2008

could you show maybe some screenshots before i download it ...

would be nice :S

RE: Tales of the World LF2 - Flexmachine - 08-18-2008

Yeah,.... some screenshots would be really helpful ....... but the name sounds pretty good :D

RE: Tales of the World LF2 - MH-Razen - 08-20-2008

well, I teated the game since you told it's good...

For me the sprites and stuff are ok, but the chars I tested had really less moves... wondered about this :p