Random LF2 story - Nyamaiku - 11-23-2013
In an era of peace and harmony, a place unbeknown to most men, was a wealthy and prosperous kingdom. The kingdom was ruled by a wise demon lord by the name of Julian. There was never war under his rule, only peace. People there live a simple, yet blissful life. Although not all the folks are wealthy, none of them had experienced true hunger. They were all contented with what they had.
Sadly, peace does not last forever. The Great War brought chaos and destruction to the kingdom. The streets were filled with flame and smoke, houses torn down, great buildings and monuments were reduced to debris and dust. The people can only cry out in grief and desperation as their free WiFi zone was destroyed.
All this started in a place known as Tai Hom Village.
In the dead end of an alleyway, after running around for what seem like hours, Bandit cowered in fear as his pursuer got closer. He cried out loud, "Please don't hurt me! I will give you anything you want, even my last bottle of milk! Please, just don't hurt me!" But the only answer he got was the heavy panting of his pursuer, leaning to the wall and just barely able to stand.
After catching his breath, the pursuer produced a torchlight and shone it over himself. With that spiky hair, blue jacket, bandages and baggy pants, there was no mistake he was Davis. Bandit used the time when Davis was introduced to escape. He threw the bottle of milk in Davis's face and ran past him while he was stunned.
"DAMN!" Davis swore out loud.
Mocking laughter burst out behind Davis, "Can't even handle a mere Bandit, huh?" as Bandit was kicked onto the ground next to him.
The voice belonged to a guy wearing a blue vest over a green shirt. He was Dennis, Davis's good friend and brother.
"That's none of your buisness!" replied Davis as he added another kick to the already unconscious Bandit.
"Come on, if I didn't decided to follow, I wouldn't have the pleasure of watching you get your arse kicked by a weakling." mocked Dennis.
"STOP insulting me or you will feel my FIST up your ARSE!"
"Alright, fine. You're the boss, man." said Dennis with a shrug, "But while you are figuring how to stuff your fist into other people's butt, Woody and the elemental duo has arrived."
"...so has I," a voice said from above, "We should go meet them."
Davis and Dennis looked up to see a shadowy figure wearing bathrobes popping his head out of a window.
"Yeah, right. But what the hell are you doing in someone else's room?" asked Davis.
"Oh, just...looking around, passing by, you know." replied Rudolf, who then started to whistle and put on an innocent look.
"Yeah, right. I totally believe you. Let's go." said Dennis as he picked up the bottle of milk Bandit dropped.
Note: i wrote this in 15-30 minutes, as a break from studying. Im currently out of random ideas to continue chapter 1(maybe i have 1 actually, that is rudolf stole some "pantsu" from that room), so you all can give me ideas or things for me to write.